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  1. adrianali

    How to record the dialogue in this scene?

    That seems really silly. I've learned that if you have a wide mastershot like that then the dialogue isn't as important for that shot. As long as you have the dialogue for the mediums and close-ups for both characters then the editor shouldn't have to many problems when they put stuff...
  2. adrianali

    Greetings from Arkansas

    Hey guys, my name is Adriana and I guess I should "introduce" myself. I'm 22 years old and about to graduate from University of Central Arkansas with a degree in Digital Filmmaking and Art. If someone asked me what I like to do within filmmaking it would have to be editing. Although I have...
  3. adrianali

    What's the Best way to Acquire Actors who will Work for Little to Nothing?

    I'm a film student and finding actors to act for free can be hard, but it can be done. Now keep in mind- for actors that will agree to work for free might not be the best out there, but you might get lucky and find someone good. It might depend where you live, but you can find actors that...
  4. adrianali

    Honest opinion of my trailer

    Like a lot of the comments I didn't understand the story line at all, but I did seem interested enough to watch the whole trailer. Maybe if I knew the film synopsis before I clicked play then I would feel better about it. Now as a editing point of view, I would use faster cuts. Just enough...
  5. adrianali

    Tonic - A Revenge Story

    Hey guys, just thought I would share with you my senior project that I'm writing/directing. Shooting starts in February. The story follows Jackson Wells who is on the hunt to kill Hurricane Summers, drag queen leader of the Destiny Drags, the man that killed his father. With the help of the...