Search results

  1. JohnRogers

    Space Battle Scenes

    But I love "pew pew kaboom pew pew pew". Interesting post escher. Space and atmosphere battle in the Battlestar Galactica episode Gun on Ice Planet Zero.
  2. JohnRogers

    Where do you hold your casting call?

    I use the lobby of the local community theater. It helps that I'm involved there and so are most of the actors in my little city.
  3. JohnRogers

    Yet another camera advice question...

    I find this thread of interest seeing how Cuthugas and I seem to be looking for the same thing.
  4. JohnRogers

    Total newbie with Canon XL2 on the way...

    Perhaps the cause of my problems. I bought my XL 2 new a thousand years ago but it has "low mileage". It had already been sent in for service once for pixelating display and tape door/mechanism getting stuck. Yet I still have the same issues occasionally. I like the camera but been leaning...
  5. JohnRogers

    Using music in movies

    Thanks, you do bring up some good points. For what I'm looking do I'd like my lead actor to actually sing and play the piano. Of course he needn't write his own music and lyrics.
  6. JohnRogers

    Using music in movies

    I'm doing a lot of reading in this forum since my "film" is in the script writing phase. Unfortunately my main character sings and plays piano in a bar. I have only $4K for a budget so do the math. So far and no surprise finding a local unsigned talent will most likely be the solution. It will...
  7. JohnRogers

    John Rogers: Enid, Oklahoma

    Hello perhaps we'll cross paths in the Oklahoma film scene. Your documentary sounds interesting, how is it going?
  8. JohnRogers

    Disney Buys Lucas Films? Including Star Wars?

    It can't be bad news I mean Star Wars films can't get worse. Lucas has been a nut with his beloved franchise. I believe the franchise is in better hands. Somebody dust off Harrison Ford there is work to do!
  9. JohnRogers

    John Rogers: Enid, Oklahoma

    Oh just a simple story of boy meets girl.
  10. JohnRogers

    John Rogers: Enid, Oklahoma

    Originally from NYC the USAF brought me to Oklahoma 12 years ago. Inexpensive with a decent pool of talent makes Enid a good spot to shoot film projects. I have a dormant video production business that I hope to be my full time gig in two years when I retire from the service. I’m currently in...