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  1. E

    watch The Waters Echo - A Level Short film

    Nice! Good job on the story, I thought it was written well. One thing I would have done differently is the transition from 9:34-9:45. It felt unnatural for the music and picture to fade out hen fades back in. If you wanted to keep the fade out for the first clip, It would have sounded better to...
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    watch My first animated Typography video. - Feedback?

    Hi everyone. So I made my first typography video as a small part of a school project, and was just hoping for some feedback on it. What could have I done better? Any feedback is welcome! Thanks
  3. E

    Looking for a script...

    Hey guys, a friend and I are planning to produce a short film in the next couple of months and we need a script to get going with. I was wondering if there's anyone who has something written that wants to have it made? We were hoping for something in the psychological thriller genre. Let me know...
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    Steps of a production for a short?

    Hey everyone, A friend and I are planning on producing a short film in the next year, and we really want to do whatever it takes to put in as much effort into this film as we can. We are both in our third year of the cinematography program in our high school so we're not completely lost, and we...
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    watch Looking for some feedback!

    Oh sorry about that. This one should work.
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    Love Squared : ten part dramatic series release

    Very nice shots! From the trailer this looks really well made.
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    watch Looking for some feedback!

    Hi everyone. if you have 5 minutes can you please check out a short little documentary I made for school. I just want a little feedback on the editing and any tips would be very helpful. Thank you!
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    watch Short Documentary on Depression.

    Good job. This is very well made and overall a great short documentary. Although one thing I did notice was that if you added music or a subtle background track during the time when the guy was talking it would make the interview part a bit better, in my opinion. One thing I really liked was...
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    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    The Machinist 9/10 One of my favorite story lines in a movie I've ever watched.
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    Hello, Looking for some feedback!

    Thank you so much. Appreciate it. :)
  11. E

    Hello, Looking for some feedback!

    Hi everyone. if you have 5 minutes can you please check out a short little documentary I made for school. I just want a little feedback on the editing and any tips would be very helpful. Thank you!