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  1. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    You seem to think that if a person does not put 100% of there time into filmmaking then they will not be successful in filmmaking. I disagree! There are a bunch of filmmakers who went to college and studied something that was not at all related to film and on the side they made films and they...
  2. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    Yeah and also remember all the fees related to film production programs. There's lab fees, equipment fees, insurance fees and so on. At USC there's a production class that's mandatory and has a total of $2,000 in fees! I've read from a few people that USC will give you pretty large grants...
  3. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    Ummm ok? I know you never said you must go to film school. I'm simply using James Cameron as an example. James Cameron did not attend film school he taught himself and he has a lot of technical skills for someone who did not go to film school. You say "so what? I never said you have to go to...
  4. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    The thing is all the top film schools in America are EXPENSIVE! Also in regards to financial aid, NYU does not meet a students full financial need! A persons financial need is the total cost of attendance for a school year minus the amount of money the student has to pay for the school year. So...
  5. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    The total cost of attendance for this school year (2012-2013) for undergraduates is: NYU: $61,907 USC: $59,883 These figures are taken from the universities web page. Also remember that for film production programs there are a lot of fee's. The fee's are not included in these costs. And the...
  6. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    jax rox: I think were mixed up! You seem to be talking about Graduate Film School in your argument. I'm talking about Undergraduate Film School were you receive a Bachelors degree.
  7. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    Actually there's a lot of people who went to film school but regret it and don't think they should have went. There's a lot of people who dropped out of film school because they did not like it. What do you mean what's the point if you don't know how to use it? A camcorder is pretty easy to...
  8. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    Oh he's in Europe?? I don't know what the cost of school is out there and how well there economy is but in America it's horrible! Based on the skills the OP has he doesn't need film school!
  9. jmm124567

    Will I benefit from filmschool?

    The schools that have the top film programs in America are: -University of Southern California(USC) -New York University(NYU) -University of California Los Angeles(UCLA) -Columbia University -Chapman University -Wesleyan University These are universities so it will take you 4 years to...
  10. jmm124567

    Any book ideas

    I'm a newb and I'm looking for a book that will teach me everything I need to know about camera operations like exposure, focal length, aperture, depth of field, lens sizes and so on. Anyone know of any good books?
  11. jmm124567

    I need some advice career wise

    Even if you go right to a university film school you are still going to be doing two years of general education courses. Your freshmen and sophomore year is mainly general education courses then your junior and senior year is mainly your major courses which would be film production. Doing your...
  12. jmm124567

    Questions about XH A1s mic

    I have a couple questions about the Canon XH A1s: 1. Which would give me better quality audio: -plugging mic into XLR inputs on camcorder? or -recording audio separately on a portable recorder? 2. Is there a way to turn off the built in mic so the camcorder captures no audio?