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  1. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    This marks the end of our elevator set guide! We've posted a wrap up on our blog and an index where we divided the different articles under CONCEPT -WOODWORK - SET DRESSING - LIGHTING, which we hope will make browsing of the guide easier. Feel free to share this guide with people who might...
  2. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    In this post we break down our elevator power saver light set up. Article: Modes & Moods: Emergency Light We're right at the end of our elevator set series with one more post to wrap it all up on Friday. Hope you've found our posts useful! If you want you can follow project updates by...
  3. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Now we talk about what we did to get some light into a scene where the elevator loses power and goes dark. Article: Modes & Moods: Darkness Enjoy! As a general note I want to say that we've almost reached the end of this set building guide. I hope you've found the information we've provided...
  4. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    In the following posts we break down the different lighting modes and moods we had in Love Between Storeys. We start by dissecting the Normal Light mode which we mostly used during the elevator sequence of our movie. Article: Modes & Moods: Normal Light Hope you found this article useful! In...
  5. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    In this update we show you how we made our elevator console seem fully functional. Article 2 preps our coming Modes and Moods section of our Lighting part of the guide. Article 1: Lighting: Console & Label Lights Article 2: Lighting: Modes & Moods Have a good read! As always - if you like...
  6. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    In this update we take a look at a cardboard contraption we built to shape and block light to match our elevator door light source. We're also covering how we used household fluorescents to create our floorlights. Here we go: Article 1: Lighting: The Doors and Their Cardboard Brothers...
  7. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Here's some weekend reading for you! First off we have a break down on our 360-degree light plan, and in Article 2 we talk about bouncing light during shoots. We also show you how to build your own reflector out of household items. Article 1: Lighting: 360 Degree Light Plan Article 2...
  8. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Now it's time to talk about how we handled lighting our film set. The first article is a brief intro to the Lighting section of our guide, including a list of gear we had and where we got it from. We also make a point of that we got most of the gear free, either because we were blessed by a...
  9. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    I agree... I'm linking the images straight from the website due to a couple hazzle related reasons. I figured huge images is better than no images, so I just went and linked them even though I knew most of them will come out and break the threads layout. Is there a way to insert a string of...
  10. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Three new articles are up! This is the last batch where we talk about set dressing and logo design. In the third article we make a point of that you shouldn't shy away from quick and easy solutions when designing your set as everything in film is make-believe. Article 1: Details and Logos...
  11. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    In these new posts we take a look at our customised elevator console, and the wonder of transparent overhead sheets. Details and Logos: Floor Labels Details and Logos: Kingsley Elevator Console Enjoy your weekend people! We'll continue next week.
  12. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Now we show you how we used silver paper and foamboard to create logo's, and how we combined practical set design with simple CGI to sell our film set as a fully functional elevator. Links to articles: Set Dressing: Details and Logos Details and Logos: Digital Number Panel with Almost No...
  13. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    In this update we talk about set dressing, starting with the elevator walls and the floor. The Elevator Set: Set Dressing Set Dressing: Making the Walls Look Like Money Set Dressing: Building a Fancy Floor Next update on Wednesday. Enjoy!
  14. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    New parts are up! We're still in the woodwork phase of making the elevator set. This time we have a look at how we built the ceiling, and how we made the doors look like they did. We also cover how we made the elevator doors move in the film, with an important lesson of how you can easily...
  15. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Now that we've established what we were going for, it's time to start looking at how we built this stuff. In these three updates we will introduce you to the woodwork part of building the elevator set, starting with the walls and the floor. The Elevator Set: Woodwork Woodwork: Walls...
  16. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Two new parts are up! The first post is about where to build a set when you have no money for a studio. In the second we discuss how we divided the work before we started building the set. Concept: Where should the elevator be built? Concept: Who does what? The parts up until now have been...
  17. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    We're heading to the same place where you are now.
  18. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Thanks man! I haven't seen Devil, but I guess anything is possible to make for less money as long as people are not getting payed and you have very good producers attached to the project :D
  19. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    A new batch of updates went up on the blog! In these we talk about what affected our design decisions, how to make a tiny space interesting for the eye and which light sources we wanted (and why) in the elevator. The last part should be most useful for newbies interested in lighting for film...
  20. Ekblom

    A DIY-guide to how we designed, built and lit our film set

    Hello! We released our film (Love Between Storeys) for a week on Valentine's. Along with the film we're uploading a 12-part series covering how we designed, built and lit our elevator set. You can start checking out the guide here. We wrote this guide for newbies and amateurs on the DIY...