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  1. I

    Breaking into LOCAL TV comercial biz

    It's certainly not my intention to depress anyone even tough I do get here a lot ... I am just trying to break it down for you in a sense of been able to see the catch through the "obvious" expenses... I mean nobody can tell how much it cost to work on a weekend while your budies go having fun...
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    Breaking into LOCAL TV comercial biz

    How much money you're hoping to make "on the side "? Once a month means what exactly? One ad a month or one day of work a month? What is the"other stuff" that you wanna do? My friend does web ads and commercials for small biz (chiropractor, thrift shop, etc...). Ultimately he wants to be a...
  3. I

    How many of you self-fund your first feature?

    I am curious about the math part of your budget: If you have 8 crew members working 14 shooting days, in my calculations, you spend around 2K just to feed them (coffee and bevereges were not included im my calcualtion) How do you make 10K work for you? Do you mean to say that 10K budget you...
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    How many of you self-fund your first feature?

    Forgive me if I am wrong, but why does your explanations of how film industry in MN works, and why is collapsed, sounds so much like premises on which car industry in Detroit was set up on (and look what happened to it), or Dubai's moguls ideas about how to make Dubai a skiing mecca? In the...
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    How many of you self-fund your first feature?

    1-true but there is more that what you noticed. 2-partialy true. Welles was well conected but this is de facto his First movie (What would be you predictions of success and financing of movie if Jon Bon Jovi or somebody with similar sucess in other industry decides to became a film director in...
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    LLC or NGO for video production

    Well I already did that, I went to consult with a "general" lawyer that offers free consultations for startup biz at local colege, and she said that LLC is the way to go after I presented her with my goals, plans and ideas! But she is not familiar with film/video production at all. All she said...
  7. I

    How many of you self-fund your first feature?

    Before I continue (or rather start from the beginning) let me try to establish some sort of mutual understanding facts in order to determine should I take a part in this discussion or is it just a waste of my time: This is a topic about funding one's first independent FEATURE MOVIE(S)!? Yes or...
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    How many of you self-fund your first feature?

    I am affraid that there are so many misconcepts in your post that I don't know where to start...but I will try to respond in a timely manner. Now , I ma at work so long reply are not doable. OMG... :( Where dod you red all the "proofs" for your "accusations"? When and How did I became...
  9. I

    How many of you self-fund your first feature?

    You and I are in different "biz" my friend! And I am affraid that's the reason of our missunderstanding. We're talking about different things... I respect everybody's work! But what you do (or want to do t make a living) is different tham my line of work! You're talking about craft and...
  10. I

    LLC or NGO for video production

    Pros and Cons? I need the "official enitity" in order to operate iand do logistics n production world. Equipment rentals, car rentals, insurences, hiring talents etc..all that is close to imposible to do as an simple individual no matter what line of credit I have on my AE black :) I have...
  11. I

    How many of you self-fund your first feature?

    Than you should do something else for a living and not making movies! (nothing personnal but honest friendly advice) Go make commercials, do secret filming for security services, shoot wedding...THOSE are the "movie making" fileds that you can make a money and make a living. The only reason...
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    How many of you self-fund your first feature?

    Means, it has to be SPECIAL! It has to be - ART! Which brings out to following: WRONG! First because Medicine is the necessity and mandatory part of "healthy" human existance, while making movies is luxury or if you want -hobby! (at least in the eyes of majority; my personal take?!: Art is...
  13. I

    Am I being screwed here?

    Does anybody else knows the answer? I contacted eimajjjj directly but I still didn't got any feedback from him. How dod the tory ended? Did he managed to save his movie?!
  14. I

    Are Characters in a script copyrighted?

    Even if the character I create in script/short movie/selfpublished comic/online blog is so distinguished that it's obviously a theft if somebody else is useing it in their work? If I make a new sequel for Indiana Jones bymyself in my own production the way I like it, do I need to pay to...
  15. I

    Am I being screwed here?

    So eimajjjj what is the end of your movie story? Did I skipped it in some of the posts? Did you had to give up on your movie and credits etc?