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  1. H

    watch Funny Or Die - "The Communicator"

    oh corporatese ... reminds me of business school, would have loved your device there haha.
  2. H

    Harrison Ford on Jimmy Kimmel

    Love it, I think its great when actors (especially ones of his age and recognition) can have fun and not take them selves so seriously!
  3. H

    Nikon 5100

    Its really interesting, I find trying to satisfy both the needs of stills and Videos. It is hard because the priorities can be completely different. Realistically for stills I could for the time being shoot with even something as low as a 3100 but spend money on great glass and upgrade the body...
  4. H

    NIkon 5100

    I just wanted to see if anyone here had shot with this camera and what their thoughts were. I know their are cheaper options (and better more expensive ones) but I want to keep the ability to do decent stills as photography is a side passion of mine. I have read a million different reviews and...
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    Movie Theatre Etiquette

    admittably I have curly hair... like natural Fro hair so hahaha in an older theatre I would be that guy with high hair, Luckily I keep it cut shorter!
  6. H

    Nikon 5100

    I just wanted to see if anyone here had shot with this camera and what their thoughts were. I know their are cheaper options (and better more expensive ones) but I want to keep the ability to do decent stills as photography is a side passion of mine. I have read a million different reviews and...
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    Movie Theatre Etiquette

    I have to say... I Disagree with number 7. I paid too much money to enter into a theatre and so I want to sit in a seat that gives me the best view. If someone happens to be directly behind me or in front of me then that is less then ideal but the reality is we are all paying money to see a...
  8. H

    So it begins

    I am just a sucker for the big screen and sound system.. maybe its because I am still in my 20's that I can trick my self into the waste haha. Website is being built and we are in the studio in September sooo I can remind you then? I hope to be getting a bunch of help when I start filming the...
  9. H

    So it begins

    Thank you very much for the welcome. I must say I am just a sucker for Vimeo and finding artists that produce good videos. Brooks reynolds is a guy I just found some of his are good others are Ok but I liked what he did with this video sort of dark but I thought it had...
  10. H

    So it begins

    Hello Everybody I have always loved film (I even try to justify high theater costs as investment so seeing every movie out doesn't hurt) But over the last couple of years I have really Fallen in Love with Video Shorts and especially Indie Music Videos. I have been been an actor in soo many...