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  1. J

    Does a short film have to be that good?

    Oh some guy emailed me just now and in his sig it says: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit" Aristotle Kinda corny for an email signature but it's true. You can't say, "I'm gonna make half ass (or no) stuff until I get Brad Pitt and a $100,000 camera...
  2. J

    Does a short film have to be that good?

    I just want to thank harmonica and others for asking the same questions over and over *∞ so that noobs like me can come here and immediately learn that this industry is like any other, there are those that dream and those that do. Those that do succeed or fail, but at least they tried. Those...
  3. J

    Why do you think that so many directors are men?

    There's been some good and interesting points so far :pop: Sorry if this has been said already, but: Change takes time... Here's an interesting article: If there's 1800 unused scholarships every...