Search results

  1. MatTyler

    Scripts to flicks - looking for a short film script to turn into a movie

    Hi folks, Just a heads up that I am hosting an initiative and calling out for short film scripts to be turned into films. Full details of the project are here: In summary, I am a passionate and experienced director/filmmaker...
  2. MatTyler

    G'day, from Sydney!

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys! So, are there many collab. projects that happen around? Keen to get into some if any are happening, pref. with locals to me? Who knows... any ideas/advice?
  3. MatTyler

    G'day, from Sydney!

    Hello Everyone! Just thought I would give a big shout out to everyone here, and to say that it feels great to be a part of such a lively community of passionate filmmakers! Don't know how many others folks are from my neck of the woods, but I guess that does not really matter because in reality...