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  1. unpopularculture

    watch Trailer for "Uncommon Sense"

    Don't worry, honesty is good! I agree about the lighting, especially in the car scenes. Oh well. I'm a high schooler with high school time. And actually, there is in fact a reason for the wall shot. Stay tuned.
  2. unpopularculture

    watch Trailer for "Uncommon Sense"

    What did you mean by that first part? And don't worry I am. The trailer had minimal color correction work.
  3. unpopularculture

    watch Trailer for "Uncommon Sense"

    Trailer for a short I'll be submitting for screening at the 2012 Wisconsin Film Festival. Let me know what you think!
  4. unpopularculture

    Exporting Problems in iMovie

    Problem Solved I chose "Export Using QuickTime" and picked QuickTime Movie (H.264) and ramped up all the audio and video settings. The file sizes are huge, but totally worth it. Thanks for your help!
  5. unpopularculture

    Exporting Problems in iMovie

    Re: QuickTime I will test that out and report back here if I have any more problems, thanks!
  6. unpopularculture

    Exporting Problems in iMovie

    Hello all. I own a Canon Vixia HF S20 that shoots fantastic raw footage which always looks great when editing in iMovie. However, I keep running into the same problem: whenever I export a project (always at full 1080p), the blacks always turn out muddy, ugly and completely pixelated; they rarely...
  7. unpopularculture

    watch That Obscure Object of Desire

    My first short film, and my first exercise in the art of cinema. Won the top prize at my school's annual film festival. Comments and criticism are welcome.