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  1. O

    Rigging & tripods

    I am trying to assemble the right gear to last me years. Like everyone, I need to watch my budget, and want the most bang for my buck. But bang is s relative term. The Arri $1500 FF vs Trusmt's $400 solution will yield different results but is the Trusmt good enough? Rigs are most often a...
  2. O

    New Sony HD camera changes my outlook...

    Buying one myself. Don, I just put my hard-earned money down on an FS00 myself yesterday. I am not rich, and I own a Nikon D2X and all Nikon glass. I also shoot 4x5 and 8x10 view cameras in studio and landscape. I know what it is to drop a lot on gear when every cent I earn is hard-fought for...
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    Putting it all together in 2011

    Ouch! Okay, stet on your original recommendation....
  4. O

    Putting it all together in 2011

    Screen-quality footage is caught how? Cineform+D7000+existing glass+Beachbox? You can't come up with an audio package that, with good technique, gets you through the paces for less than $2500?
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    Putting it all together in 2011

    Double duty My wife would do the composing too ;-)
  6. O

    Putting it all together in 2011

    Make a specific list of what you'd buy if you had $6K and wanted to make a series of docudrama shorts and perhaps long-form stories for the screen. You'd be shooting indoors and out with a cast of no more than four speaking at any time, standing, seated, and playing golf in windy conditions and...