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  1. Indie-Arms

    Prop Weapons

    On the prowl...........let me know what you have for sale.
  2. Indie-Arms

    Tomorrow AM: Audition

    So, pray that I "break a leg", I have been asked to audition at NBC/Universal for a role that suits me to a tee. Military vet, post 9/11. Sounds like a pretty major indie, despite the audition day. We shall see.
  3. Indie-Arms

    So guess what I recieved in the mail?????

    A 1970-80's Completely functional Spy Camera. A buddy of mine thought I would like and could use it. Hell, yeah!
  4. Indie-Arms

    First Out Of State Job

    Well, we are in final prep for a 4 day job in Arizona. Action/Military film. LOL, any highway Patrol or DPS pulls us over, boy will he be surprised! The load out: 7 M4's 7 AK47's 4 M9's 1 RPG-7 2 SAW M249's 2 M60's and various other ACU accessories. Also meeting us on set are 2 of these...
  5. Indie-Arms

    Weapons, Training, Advising, Stunts, VFX/SFX

    I am honored to be a part of this great forum, and at the invitation of one of the mods, I am letting Southern Californian Film-Makers (and beyond) know about our services. Allow me to introduce Indie Arms and our website We are a full service Armory Company, catering to the...
  6. Indie-Arms

    Weapons and Indie Film-makers: Indie Arms philosophy

    Firearms, props or otherwise, and the Indies have had a strange relationship over the years. Every year, we hear of incidents involving Independent filmmaking and the use of weapons. Just recently, UC Irvine Campus was on lock-down because an individual was seen in military fatigues and carrying...
  7. Indie-Arms

    Introduction for Indie-Arms

    Hey Everyone, just wanted to introduce myself to the board. I am a film armorer, specializing in independent films. Been doing it for about 4 years now, but I started as a sound guy with a degree in the subject. I also have been a cam-op, but was forced to sell my HVX awhile ago, so I don't...