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  1. Acoui

    I have 30 days.

    30 days to make the best possible Christmas film that I can. I've finally finished writing the screenplay (after many, many drafts). And now I'm stuck. I'm a student filmmaker, so I don't have a ton of opportunities for actors and/or locations. I'm sure I can get a few of my friends to act...
  2. Acoui

    Frustration and Lack of Motivation

    Great idea, thank you so much. Wow, you all are so nice and helpful here. Love this forum.
  3. Acoui

    Frustration and Lack of Motivation

    Sounds great but how in the world do you get your screenplays written? Do you hire other people to write them for you or what?
  4. Acoui

    Frustration and Lack of Motivation

    Wow! Thanks for that. Working on cutting out a lot of the cliche stuff right now actually, haha. I can't seem to come up with any ideas for developing Wayne. I know this is a stretch asking people on here for help, but if anyone is particularly good at writing and would like to give helping me...
  5. Acoui

    Frustration and Lack of Motivation

    Wow rayw! Thanks so much for that! That really, really, really helps! :-)
  6. Acoui

    Frustration and Lack of Motivation

    Thanks for the replies, I really appreciate it. I'm working on fixing some of the issues I have with writing hahaha. I'd like to go to NYU Tisch for film school (if I can get in), but this is definitely something I need to work on if I want to succeed. Another problem I have is structure. I can...
  7. Acoui

    Frustration and Lack of Motivation

    Hey everyone, To start off, I'm 16 years old and from the suburbs of Philadelphia. I've shot many short sketches before but never a real short film. I'm looking to make one 8-15min long, but I can never get past pre-production. I write a 23-page script, review it, revise it, and hate after a...
  8. Acoui

    Multiple Hot Shoe Mounts?

    Oh! By the way, any rigs that you guys recommend for a student filmmaker? I need it to be in the 100-300 dollar price range :/
  9. Acoui

    Multiple Hot Shoe Mounts?

    Thank you all for your help but I don't think it will cause that much strain considering that I'm only going to be using a DIY monitor here: Correct me if I'm wrong, but that wont do too much damage, will it? :/ Thank you again!
  10. Acoui

    Multiple Hot Shoe Mounts?

    I have a Rode Stereo Videomic on my T2i currently, but I also want to buy an external monitor but then I'd have no where to put it. Is there any way that I can get a thing so I can put 2 (or more) pieces of equipment on my hot shoe? Pardon my poor explanation, here's a picture of the thing I'm...
  11. Acoui

    Short Sketch Actor Tips?

    Hey everyone! I'm a teenage filmmaker and I'm looking to shoot a very short sketch for my YouTube channel, 3-5 minutes long. I'm looking on entering it into a contest where I could win some camera equipment which I'm desperately in need of. I need 3 actors, I can do one, but for the other 2, I...
  12. Acoui

    Audio Question

    Hey everyone! Hope your day is going well! I have a quick question... rather a statement with your opinions. I have a Canon T2i and I'm planning to shoot a short film very soon. I'm a teenage filmmaker and I don't have a lot of revenue coming in, so I am looking into buying the Rode Stereo...
  13. Acoui

    Free Short Film Scripts

    Hey guys! I began writing my own script a few months ago and I'm 10 pages in and stuck for ideas. In the meantime, I'd like to make some short films for practice but I can't seem to find any that are short, free, and ultimately good ideas. Does anyone know where I can find some free short film...
  14. Acoui

    Quick Audio Question

    Hey everyone! Huge noob question here, but I was just thinking about it last night. If you buy an external audio recorder such as the H4n, and then plug your shotgun mic into it and everything, do you just sync the audio in post? I suck at syncing so would it just be best to plug the mic into...
  15. Acoui

    Beginning Filmmaking

    Thanks! If I was to raise my budget to $600, would this be a good choice?: Or would you recommend something different?
  16. Acoui

    Beginning Filmmaking

    Thanks for that list man! What do you think about this? :)
  17. Acoui

    Beginning Filmmaking

    Thanks for the response! If you were/are an indie filmmaker and had $400 to spend on audio quality what would you buy?
  18. Acoui

    Beginning Filmmaking

    Well, not a few dollars, the full price :lol: I just got it quickly because I do photoshop work for a few companies.
  19. Acoui

    Beginning Filmmaking

    :) Thanks so much for the advice! I already have a really nice tripod that I got before, so I can check off one thing on my list! Any recommendations?
  20. Acoui

    Beginning Filmmaking

    Filmmaking has always been something that I've enjoyed doing, even without having the proper resources. After saving a few dollars, I bought the T2i around 2 weeks ago (I know, shame, the T3i came out a few days after :grumpy: ). I am now about 1/4 through my first script, and I have to say, I...