Search results

  1. Symple

    Comedy shorts available...

    I'm putting together a series of short comedy skits. Some are quite funny and most are not for children to watch. If you would like to read some of them, hit me up---here on Indietalk! I'll post some titles below not yet called for. Thanks! Titles: The Real Baby Bieber Stanley - (Always...
  2. Symple

    Passion Project Help Wanted

    Hey Sam! Do you have all the help you need? I'm sure I can set aside some time to help out if you want. Hit me up! Symple
  3. Symple

    TV Pilots! Where to go?

    Thank you for your thoughts and concerns. I actually got a phone call from someone claiming to be the creative director of a television production company (I will not give up the company's don't ask) and requested the pilot to one of my tv series...and all that thru one simple logline...
  4. Symple

    TV Pilots! Where to go?

    The pre-existing fan base would be the ex Hanna Montana's on their way up (the mind set...or growing up) to Gossip Girl. But I know plenty of adults who love like to watch these types of shows, me included.
  5. Symple

    TV Pilots! Where to go?

    Minneapolis, DeJager. Where are you from?
  6. Symple

    Sundance? REALLY?

    What? :weird: Ooooo-kay! I can't even......forget it! NO COMMENT!:no: WOW!:huh:
  7. Symple

    TV Pilots! Where to go?

    I have 2 new and different Tv show pilots. They are (both) mainly focused on tweens. One is a comedy and the other is more like SVU...Special Victims Unit, only more targeted at teens in trouble. I know that there is contests that I can enter to have my scripts read, but at the same time, I'm...
  8. Symple

    Minnesota in da house!!!

    I don't remember if I introduced myself yet I go (and again ...maybe!) Hello everyone! I am a screenplay writer from Minnesota (I know, I said that in the title). I write just about everything...short stories, blog stories, comedies, bromedies (a sorta bro-mance...if you will...
  9. Symple

    I so forgot to say HI!!!

    So...Hello everyone! I hope to make new friends from around the world before I become famous! LOL But seriously folks, this is a learning experience for all of us here on IndieTalk, so let's all learn together!!! Oh, and welcome:cool: Your newest friend.....Symple
  10. Symple


    I'm new to this wonderful site! Of course I'm new, otherwise I wouldn't be saying I'm new...right! Anywho, I'm a screenplay writer, I would say aspiring but everyone knows that aspiring, now-a-days, mean...hope to stay afloat! I'm there! I'm here, I'm everywhere! I have so much confidence that I...