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  1. RexR (whose used them)

    As someone who does startups, I gotta say that kickstarter is great... for the 10% that it's great for. For everyone else, it kinda sucks. It depends a lot on virality. The diaspora guys had a viral idea: Facebook kinda sucks. Lots of people (maybe too many) got on board with their idea and...
  2. RexR

    Hello! Web app developer here!

    So I totally missed this forum. Just wanted to say hi. I am: -A web app developer -A digital painter -A writer (recently helped a friend with a script) I don't make films, but I do want to hang around this community to get to better know filmmakers. So, in short: Hi!
  3. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    Thanks for the feedback. You still need to e-mail me with a paypal address so I can get you the 20 bucks. I wanted the details to verify, but since you've been around here a while, I'll take your word for it. :) I know PPM will get more useful as it grows. And don't worry-- it IS growing. If...
  4. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    If you actually did place it, e-mail me with feedback and the project you submitted. rexriepe (at)
  5. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    (Sorry for double post!) Edit: Offer expired! Sorry guys, I got a BUNCH of Places... please still submit, though. I'll put them in, but I can't offer any money.
  6. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    Thanks. I think people go "Eww, product placement" at first, but once they hear the whole pitch, they're more supportive. If you have any friends who are making films, tell 'em. :) I've gotten a few Places so far, but none from indie filmmakers.
  7. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    We just started up, which is why I'm paying for Places. Every website starts at the same size, which is about where we are right now :) There's no risk in submitting a Place. Worst case scenario: Nobody replies. It's a quick process that doesn't require any signup, so you won't have wasted much...
  8. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    Thanks for the kind words. And for your take on it-- it's hard in a startup to describe exactly how helpful that is. As for freebies: Those are really our focus! People using PPM to get freebies are just as useful to us as people using it to get paid deals. Remember that we just connect people...
  9. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    Jeremy: There are a couple startups out there who are trying to be a marketplace for product placement. I think they're too complicated, though, usually trying the eBay approach. And thanks for the example-- I might use that! Nobody's taken me up on this yet? I'll make it twenty bucks for the...
  10. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    Haha, thanks! I hope that letting the filmmaker set the initial terms will take some of the stigma out of product placement. By putting scripts first, we can avoid some of the awkward dialogue that's associated with product placement. At least, I hope that nobody has characters in their script...
  11. RexR

    Product Place Me - a new, free service for product placement

    Hey Indietalk! (Indietalkers?) I'm launching a new service called Product Place Me, for free product placement. Link here: Here's how it works: You send me spots in your script that could be product placements. I collect those in a list and then send them out to a...