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  1. T

    Different Roles in Filmmaking

    Which university are you going to? Shouldnt they have already informed their students as to what each role all crew members have in the production of a film?
  2. T

    short script - 10 pages total - SALEM WITCH

    T Shipley You're right. Much of the dialogue is exposition. And I realize that's death. This script was written for a contest for shorts no more than 10 pages in length and I had like a week to write it. Am I making excuses for my shortcomings? You bet your ass I am. But those were the...
  3. T

    short script - 10 pages total - SALEM WITCH

    short script - 10 pages total (this is the last half) - SALEM WITCH INT. SCIENTIST'S CABIN - LIVING ROOM - LATER The Scientist stands, taking notes in a journal. Everyone else is seated. DEPUTY...
  4. T

    short script - 10 pages total - SALEM WITCH

    "Salem Massachusetts - 1692" EXT. FIELD - TWILIGHT Strong winds. The trees and grass blow wild. PETER SALT, 30's, is taking a leak. Several feet away, his horse is tied to a tree. The wind intensifies, snapping a...