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  1. S

    watch Surviving Evidence- my new feature

    Hi, I just finished my first feature. It took over a year and a half of random weekends to shoot. It's a found footage zombie movie, a sequel of sorts to Evidence, a movie I posted on this forum before ( although this one is a bit of a standalone...
  2. S

    watch Elaine- a short zombie movie

    I made this movie for my college application portfolio. A survivor of the zombie apocalypse tries something unconventional.
  3. S

    Looking for funding for a nearly-complete movie

    Hi. I'm working on a zombie movie that is effectively a sequel to my short film Evidence (which I posted here many months ago) and have filmed most of it. However, to finish it, I need to raise funds to afford extras, equipment etc. I'm raising money through IndieGoGo. Any feedback would be...
  4. S

    watch Piano- Short Horror

    This movie, I made with my brother for a school arts festival. It didn't take long to make, but has gotten some very strong responses.<object width="660" height="405"><param name="movie"...
  5. S

    watch Evidence (zombie movie)

    This is a 45-ish minute movie I made about a year ago. No script, no budget, just an outline and willing participants. Parts 1-5<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie"...