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  1. L

    watch "Of Consequence"

    Hey, I really enjoyed the film. There was some good framing and the lighting was pretty good. Overall quality performances too, can't ask for much more. I think the only thing that got me was . It just didn't look too convincing, almost like her head was just laying there on the bar. Also...
  2. L

    watch Flash My old new movie.

    HOLY CRAP THAT'S A HUGE FILE! lol It serves to the image quality though, so no harm done. Ummm, just a few things that I would like to have seen done differently. We never get to actually meet his pregnant wife nor anybody else from his family. All we see is what appears to be just a...
  3. L

    Lucas vows to butcher SW... again

    You know... I think the new 3D is a wonderful technology and can be used in some cases to really make a film more entertaining. But from a storytellers point of view, it's horrifying. I mean, talk about taking the audience out of the movie! With each little thing jumping out at you, it's...
  4. L

    watch Horrors of War - TEASER

    Hey Sonny, the teaser looks excellent. I was curious, what was your final cost of shooting? As 35mm is sooo expensive, I was wondering also what kind of sponsorship you might have received for this film. lemme know, ok
  5. L

    watch Trunk Fiction

    Hey Steve, I never meant any disrespect. I had already read the thread and felt there wasn't anything more to say about why the acting was bad, I just simply agreed with them without using the phrase "I agree with the previous postings" Anyway, let's move on
  6. L

    watch Trunk Fiction

    I'm not judging the filmmaker, I felt the film was well done. But constructive criticism should only be given where it's due, if you're offended by me saying that a performance sucked just be glad that I wasn't more eloquent in my opinion. If you don't want brutal honesty, then this is the...
  7. L

    watch IMAGINE, our new short film

    Great idea with a really good and original premise. The only negative thing I have to say is regarding the different look between the two stories. The kids portion had some really good afternoon lighting with great angles and some excellent camera work. Whereas the adult portion seemed to...
  8. L

    watch Trunk Fiction

    A great step into FILM Although the performances suck, it was shot pretty well and the lighting looks good. It could use som ADR though, otherwise, well done!
  9. L

    Screenwriting Poll

    Awwww, the night time is the right time! I usually get my ideas really late at night whether I'm sitting in front of the computer thinking of what to write or just veggin' in front of the TV. 11pm to 2am is "golden hour" as far as my brain's ability to conjure up ideas goes.
  10. L

    watch HEX - 12 hour project

    Yes, what is the story? Any links you could send where I can read a bit more? The shots of the chains being pulled tight around the tree are nicely done.
  11. L

    watch AntiSocial Bhaviour teaser No.1

    OOOOOOOOOOOOK, I'm not excited yet, but perhaps after seeing the next trailer my enthusiasm will elevate a bit.
  12. L

    watch Tammy's Slumber Party

    I like the second half with all the killing and stuff. Had you shot the whole thing as well as that sequence it would have been great. There were just too many long and medium shots and long takes where we can't even tell who's talking sometimes. I know it's hard to work with a bunch of...
  13. L

    watch BGC: 'Polaroid' (2004) - animation

    Very Cool, I like the music, but the best part was your animation. At first it looked like you were just trying to figure it out, but as we progressed through the film your animation got more complex, had more of a style and actually did have a story. I loved it
  14. L

    watch Brandon Evans 'killer on a rooftop' 2001 15min. short

    I agree. Some good audio mixing and interesting imagery. But it overstays its welcome. You can easily cut it down and make it more intense. I almost fell asleep because of the repetitiveness of it.
  15. L

    watch The Little Guy Kicks Ass!

    It plays fine in the low speed setting, although it is mighty tiny. Funny stuff to show to your friends. I would have liked it better if there wasn't a house there. Some kind of hill with no edifices around would have been perfect for it, just like the old kung fu movies.
  16. L

    watch Check out my self-promo short

    Perrrrrrdy cool Awwww, the ol' distrustful capital/merchandise exchange. Done very well and in a funny way. I like it, there was a problem with framing on the shot when he sat down, but the rest I thought was very nice. I dug the old man's nasty nails.
  17. L

    watch [video] Insomnia

    It's pretty good, I hope the finished product is longer than a minute. The visuals are nice and the shot of the boy standing in front of the monitors is awesome. Where'd you do it, at a BestBuy or something? Let us know when it is finished. The quote in the beginning tells everything, but...
  18. L

    watch The Cove - funny show and shorts

    Ha ha!! That short was so bad it was good. You guys should nab a few broadcasting or film majors to give your show a bit more quality. But the jokes all throughout are awesome. Typical frat house humor, you guys could be the next National Lampoon. I especially like the instinctive drop on...
  19. L

    watch [video] MANN in DRIVING

    That was silly yet fun. Good job
  20. L

    watch Redemption-The Final Trailer

    Hmmmm I think both trailers still need work, but the first one is better in my opinion. Just a little too long. The final trailer has too many one liners that almost make it a comedy but not in the funny ha ha way, more the funny lame way. Plus the music doesn't fit and the main character...