Search results

  1. S

    London meet-up

    Hey guys, I'm a student at City University in London and it sucks for any sort of filmmaking societies or groups. So, I've been looking around the web for London based, university independent, groups but I'm struggling to find any. So, I was wondering if anybody here is a part of anything...
  2. S

    London: Clubs and Books

    Hey, I am a 20 year CompSci student at City University London. To my dismay I went to Fresher's Fair and found out that they didn't have any of the three clubs I wanted to join: Film Making, Juggling/Circus and Rock Climbing. I've met some people in my halls who climb so we're going to negate...
  3. S

    DVX100 still got the power?

    I've been searching and saving for a decent budget camcorder for a while now. My budget is around about £1000. The Internet loves the DVX100a/b models. But I can't help feeling it might be getting older now... Even when I search on Indie Talk for "dvx100" most of the posts are at least a year...
  4. S

    Goooooooood morning Vietnam!

    Hello hello all, my name is Sam and I'm a 20 year old CompSci student currently at Royal Holloway (though trying very hard to get away). I've always had a massive passion for films so I eventually decided to do something about and started saving up for the past 6 months or for a prosumer...