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  1. D

    Who the Hell is Bobby Roos?

    Hey Everyone. I have one question- does anyone know Who the Hell Bobby Roos is? I've seen stuff on the web about him and a hilarious flash video on the web - a Osama bin laden Audition Tape. Does anyone else know anything more? take a look- Has anyone...
  2. D

    Wonderful new indie release!

    hi! no, this is a very good friend of mine's film. His name is John Feldman, the producer. thanks for asking!
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    Wonderful new indie release!

    hey everyone! check this site out, it's a flash sample of a new indie release, 'who the hell is bobby roos' a great new film that has won a couple of indie festival awards!
  4. D

    Great Indie Release...

    Hey Everyone! I saw this new indie release the other day-'who the hell is bobby roos'. I dont' know if anyone has ever heard of it, but i believe it won a couple of indie festival awards. it's about this once famous comedian, roger kabler who starts to lose his identity because of the wonderful...