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  1. dangerouscreenwriter

    Having problem with flashback sequence

    The only rule should be: keep it as "readable" as possible, i.e., no clutter: FLASHBACK: INT. CAFETERIA - DAY - SIX MONTHS AGO To end the flashback: CUT TO: EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY - PRESENT I also like to distinguish flashbacks by italicizing them. Good visual cue to the reader in case...
  2. dangerouscreenwriter

    Mid-Act Climax

    I'd say to find the appropriate context/location for your mid-point scene, you need to start by thinking about your Theme and your Characters, mainly what's going on inside them and what they're physically doing. In other words, their location and actions have to be as in synch with the theme as...
  3. dangerouscreenwriter

    slo motion in scripts.

    LISTEN TO BILL! If you don't own the rights, you're wasting your time.
  4. dangerouscreenwriter


    @ Casey: Nice links & helpful post! Also try @ Padma: If you're in India & want to write screenplays, I suggest checking out the above links, but also READ LOTS OF PROFESSIONAL SCRIPTS!! That's the best way to...