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  1. Sam2610

    favorite Favorite Actors

    In random order De Niro J Depp Kevin Spacey Heath Ledger (for his role as the Joker) Simon Pegg Daniel Craig (in Casino Royale especially) and many more who I can't think of lol
  2. Sam2610

    AVATAR -no spoilers (yet)-

    Hmm maybe you have a point, but to see more of Pandora and more of the imense battle scenes would be a treat. But you're right in saying that the film alone is strong and maybe a sequel would mess it up, I mean take a look at what happened with The Matrix trilogy lol.
  3. Sam2610

    Clever Character Names

    I felt so stupid when I found out that Neo from the Matrix is an anagram of One lol I also hear that other characters names have little meanings behind them that fit with their character roles. Anyone know of these?
  4. Sam2610

    AVATAR -no spoilers (yet)-

    I just saw the film for the second time tonight and to be honest I found it better this time round than I did the first time. I loved the imagination that Cameron put into this film, it's literally like he did splash his mind onto the big (green) screen. Pandora is such a beautiful thing to...