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    Hello, I'm new here. Telemendo is a new outfit. We've been doing short form comedy for about 6 months now. I used to work in video production some years back, lost my shirt, and now I've bounced back. This time around, I feel like the promise of digital production has finally been...
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    Screening out white backgrounds

    Sometimes I have found a Luminance key to work better than chroma for white backgrounds.
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    Suggestions for a Digital Camcorder

    I really like the Canon FS line. I have an FS100 which i think they don't make anymore. I'd buy an FS200 in a hot second if I needed another camera.
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    A list of those overlooked items for the newbies

    doesn't using a dimmer change the color temperature? that might be an argument for the spray...
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    watch Burger King Hat

    Here is Burger King Hat - an absurd tale of bureaucratic intrigue.<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param...