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  1. lookfilmsltd

    Writer for Universe and Space topic?

    Yeah, fully green screen/digital sets will still look cgi :/. Got to have at least part of the set. I was planning to have more wide shots that are based on simple 3d set but matte painted over and actors comped in. I'll make a separate wip thread as we get into more production where I'll post...
  2. lookfilmsltd

    Writer for Universe and Space topic?

    Thank you all for the positive look on it. Scoopicman, I like your list. ''Isololated or stranded - either off-world or broken spaceship'' reminds me one of my favourite scifi-s, ''Pitch Black''. Haha the phonebook trick, ill try that one day :). I do similar concept with designs, where you...
  3. lookfilmsltd

    watch Land of the Lost - Spec Trailer

    looks really good :), love the lattitude even tho its black and white. Is the audio on location or post? The scene on the grass sounded really good.
  4. lookfilmsltd

    watch Batman inspired 5 minute short film, Wayne (2009)

    Very good stuff. Kept me interested! My only crit would be the ending (visually, not story wise), felt weaker compared to rest. Most of the scenes looked really good so I was expecting more epic shot at the end or maybe it just feels too digital the last shot. Good job anyhow.
  5. lookfilmsltd

    Writer for Universe and Space topic?

    Yes something like that, definitely under 10min.
  6. lookfilmsltd

    Writer for Universe and Space topic?

    thanks for your reply and yep i agree with everything you just said. I like the challenge though where you need to figure out how to do it rather than having huge budget where you just order shots. I like how some directors get away without showing you everything, you know what i mean...
  7. lookfilmsltd

    Writer for Universe and Space topic?

    Hello! This is going to sound so cliche lol but we need help writing down scifi story. (We've actually got couple of drafts my partner has wrote so far.) We just recently started looking for a writer and decided to register here since it seems pretty active forum. My name is Krysttian. If...