Search results

  1. C.Adley

    Distribution Companies

    don't expect to make any money from distributors if you have a truly indie film. The they are going to buy it to make money. That means if they think they can sell it for $9.00 they will be purchasing it from you for about $3.00. Unless you have tens of thousands of copies, you will be lucky...
  2. C.Adley

    Worst Movie Seen?

    Terror Toons & Redneck Zombies. Very bad movies.
  3. C.Adley

    online indie film store (need suggestions)

    directorik, did you get my Private Message?
  4. C.Adley

    online indie film store (need suggestions)

    Yes, the whole idea is to mix mainstream and indie with our own ratings so I would like to carry indie films from anyone who can get them to me. I don't think I would hold on to more than a couple copies. If it turns out that they are selling, I will contact you for more. When the site is up...
  5. C.Adley

    online indie film store (need suggestions)

    directorik: please private message me any leads you know of. I am dealing with mostly closeout distributors and putting money into their pockets. I have dealt with a few small timers here and their, but I have always come back to But I need to find more selection than...
  6. C.Adley

    Self taught composers

    a midi connection is fine. Theory has nothing to do with composing until you understand how to use it. Its really boring, so good luck to you. A piano will be your best friend when learning theory. Its keys are laid out just like the intervals you'll be learning about.
  7. C.Adley

    Self taught composers

    Yes! My mother taught me the basics. (She graduated a conservatory though.) When she returned to UNO when I was in high school, I was able to access the colleges library and surpassed her knowledge within 3 years. Books are your friend. Purchase a library card and go through every music...
  8. C.Adley

    online indie film store (need suggestions)

    I am about to start up an online store that sells film and music and art. The goal is to tie in indie films art and music with the mainstream. In Omaha, we have all kinds of arts running all over, but they are not networked together at all. So This store will carry selected mainstream films...
  9. C.Adley

    Upgrading my computer

    No computer, no problem. First priority is to get as much memory as your computer can handle. Next, reinstall your operating system and let mac do the updates that it needs. This will clean up everything that is excess or not needed. Thats all you can do to optimize your computer. Memory...
  10. C.Adley

    Upgrading my computer

    Ok, the great thing about macs is that they keep your hard drive clean. If you install a program on a pc it will write files to a million different directories. When you uninstall them there is a great chance that you will miss many files. Over the years it would be wise to swipe a pc's hard...
  11. C.Adley

    Starting your own production company.

    We run a small "production company" if you want to call it that. We got tired of running out of money for our films so what we did was start a "personal videography" as a subdivision of our production company to fund our films. Our budgets went from -whats in my wallet- to $10,000 in a few...
  12. C.Adley

    favorite Favorite Actors

    Male: Geoffrey Rush Female: Kate Blanchett
  13. C.Adley

    Acoustic/indie music
  14. C.Adley

    What is a good DVD ripper?

    I second handbreak, but only for Mac, the windows version is quite unstable from what I hear. I use handbreak quite often (Mac) and it works fantastic!
  15. C.Adley

    Best way to record audio?

    I totally agree with Alcove here. I have recorded one bands song in my personal studio (worth about $20,000) and had an opportunity to record the same song in a pro studio in minneapolis (worth more than 1.5 million). Guess which one had the best quality? Yup, my cheapo home studio. Thats...
  16. C.Adley

    Hate Actors

    I know determined and committed actors are out there. You two may be some of the few I have ever encountered.:lol: I am just exaggerating. I know there are lots of great actors that are very serious to what they commit to.:yes: I am here in Omaha (pop around 1 mil). Lots of actors to choose...
  17. C.Adley

    Too much suicide?

    Suicide is completely relatable. Not to those who succeed (or want to) but to those who are effected by it. Two suicides may be a little much. (At least that is my opinion.) You can have a character in despair leading the audience to the pain he is feeling but not kill him off. I think the...
  18. C.Adley

    Hello, just stopping by to say that I cant wait to start working with you!

    Hello, just stopping by to say that I cant wait to start working with you!
  19. C.Adley

    Hate Actors

    No, nothing was said that I didnt like. One of my good friends is a director and he to has a hard time finding actors as devoted to the film as he is. Everything is set up and ready to shoot, but no actors or at least not all of them. It is hard to find those who are determined, thats why I'm...
  20. C.Adley

    Hate Actors

    Next year you can make a 30 min documentary film about how hard it is to find actors. That should be easy enough. Plus you can really portray the amount of self devotion and determination it takes to survive in the film world.