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  1. Z

    Crank 2:High Voltage

    I know that this was completely filmed with xh a1's and what not. How exactly do they get regular dvtape and get it to become 35mm?
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    My things got deleted

    hey guys I really have no where else to turn. I've been writting for almost 6 months and yesterday my brother deleted all my scripts on my computer. Everything I had, gone. I'm PISSED! I wanted to know if there was anyway to get it back, anything I can do. Do I have to get somebody who...
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    Adapter help

    I've posted this question once before but still I don't understand. A 35mm adapters are only used so you can put other professional lenses on your camera right? So once I buy one such as these,, I'd still have to buy the lenses and what now...
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    Creed of Thieves

    In 18th century England two masked thieves steal specific items of worth for a mysterious man and the people he works for. As they complete job after job, they most hone thier skills and keep their identities secret from everyone; always separating family and business and never letting them...
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    Shadows of the Mist

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    Flintlock smoke effects

    OK i was wondering if it was possible to make a realistic gun smoke for a flintlock pistol/rifle. . I've seen smoke effects but I need effects that doesn't just circle around the barrel but actually shoots out like a real flintlock. My friend is making a short film, and he needs a pistol but...
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    A 2 page start plz looks

    OK Ii had asked earlier how to write in slow motion so I started a quick script that I started today and decided to do it both in shooting script format and spec script. Just take a quick looks its like 3 pages long and tell me what you think. I'm not going to write it like that it was just to...
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    How do you write something in slow motion? The thing is I have a scene where the fight goes in and out of slow motion and I don't know how to write it. Ive read the Matrix script and I couldn't really find anything helpful and its the only movie I know that has slow motion in it besides 300. If...
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    Changin names half way through

    Ok I am well into my new script and I have *stumbled* upon a small trouble. My main character is Acavius, but he is kidnapped from his village that lies on the outskirts of the Roman Empire. So he is Roman but he is taken to a Saxon/Barbarian camp and then to a city that has remained a secret...
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    Need names

    Hey guys I started writing my script about Romans and Saxons and I kinda realized I don't have any names for my characters besides my main guy. So here are a few characters which I need names for, I need names that fit and make sence. So can you guy help me or give me a hand? Father- Roman...
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    How to write an action scene?

    Ok, I posted earlier asking what people thought about barbarian/roman fighting and action movies and I guess people still enjoy them. So, I have begun writing but now that I think about it how would i write a sword fight sequence cause in the next few days a fight scene takes place and i dont...
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    DO you like this Topic

    Ok guys, i was wondering what you guys think before I started writing. How much do you guys enjoy viking/ roman action movies? I just started writing one(I wont tell you the idea) and its going to be kinda of an action/adventure story and wanted to know if people are still into those kinds of...
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    NEW UPDATE! Need someone to quickly skim/ look over a few pages of my script

    Bad post srry This should be deleted, my bad THX
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    Sony vegas

    Does Vegas 8 do color correction? I'm thinking of buying it but dont want to buy only to find out it doesnt color grade.
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    Alright guys need help again. I haven't started anything yet but am finishing my movie script atm so I still have time. I'm waiting to finish High School before getting TOO involved in film. The thing is, what do I need to make a feature? What do I need to start? What is celestial to good...
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    MiniDv Tapes

    Alright I've been trying to figure this out for a bit by reading other forums and stuff but I just realized it be easier to just ask you beautiful people. OK, are MiniDv Tapes classified as film? If not what would it be called cause it isn't digital is it?.
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    What types of lenses do I need?

    Ok, after a while I have finally understood what a 35mm adapter is. GREAT! OK Im getting a XH A1 soon and lets pretend I got a 35mm adapter and hooked it on. Now what types of lenses would I need to give my films a PRO look? Also what if before I got the 35mm adapter I had other lenses could I...
  18. Z

    DoF' 35mmm adapter plz help

    IM SO CONFUSED THIS QUESTION HAS BEEN KILLING ME FOR WEEKS! Ok I thought I knew what I was talking about but apparently I do not. First, what the hell is a 35mm camera? Is that just a big pro camera with tape that has to be developed elsewhere unlike minidv cassets? Like would an xh a1 be a 35mm...
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    Need someone to quickly skim/ look over a few pages of my part of script

    NEW UP DATE!!Need someone to quickly skim/ look over a few pages of my part of script NEW UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hey guys me again. I haven't updated in a bit cause I couldn't figure out where to go from here but I'm good now. You guys seem to be enjoying my script and are...
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    XH a1

    OK, first, what type of film would a hv30 use? I know that you can hook it up to a computer with a firewire thing. Now with a xh a1 would it be the same? Like could you import it to a computer with a firewire cable thing? I have no lcue but plan on buying both, xh a1 for me and hv30 for my...