Search results

  1. J

    Where to find actors?

    well narcissus my comment to you is that if you go in with that attitude no actor will want to work with you. Their will always be bad apples, and actors who are lazy/unreliable, and I do not know your situation, but it sounds like it was an anomaly not the norm. I have spent the last 5 years of...
  2. J


    Thank you, that is a lot of information to process. I will be checking out the cameras you suggested, and I will continue my search for a camera operator with gear. It seems like things are coming together rather smoothly at this point, and I hope to start filming my first short in the next few...
  3. J


    :), well honestly I had yet to really look into cameras because I know so little about them. I have been looking for an owner operator of a better camera to work with, but one has yet to fall into my lap. So what should I look for in a camera that will allow me to learn the technique to use high...
  4. J


    Hi guys, I am brand new here, and I am brand new to the world of film. I am looking to start shooting a short to get my feet wet; because film has always been a media that I love. My background is in acting though, and I have next to no knowledge of the technical side of film making. In fact the...