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    watch Constructive Feedback Please- Comedic Horror/Thriller Short

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    Weird lines/blurs on walls after export?

    Hey guys, I just exported my latest short and in several spots it has these weird lines and blurs on the walls. I've attached some screenshots so you can see what I'm talking about. I've exported an mp4 file and a H.264 mov file in best quality and both resulted with this. It is not present in...
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    Video Dark on computer, looks great on phone?

    Hey, Just got my color graded footage back and for some reason it is all a lot darker on my computer (and my buddies computer) but when I open it on my iPhone, it looks perfect. Could it be that our computer monitors are off? If that's the case, why are no other videos so dark? Very confused...
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    How do you feel after finishing your latest film?

    How did you feel after finishing your latest film? Hey, hope everyone is doing well. I am just finishing up my second short film and am extremely proud of it. It's a quirky little 10 minute comedic horror film and although I'm very proud, part of me is discontent. There are several things I...
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    Using college/university logos in low budget commercial?

    Hey, I just shot a low budget commercial today for a small company that helps kids with the college application and admission process. In the commercial I show the logo of several good schools on acceptance letters. Is this legal to do and if not, what would the penalty be? It's not going on...
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    Fork in the road in/around LA

    Hey guys, Does anyone happen to know where a there is a good fork in the road (preferably pavement and flat) in or around Los Angeles. Been searching for a few weeks but haven't found much. Thanks!
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    After your film turns out mediocre...

    Hey guys, Little background on me. Never went to film school but made a lot of no budget contest entries and documentaries through college. Moved to LA right after. Made a low budget but widely loved music video and a few commercials that came out great. But my first short film, that was...
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    What was the budget for your first feature film?

    Hey guys, I have a couple short films that will be finished mid-January. We are using these to pitch our first feature film. I know you have to start small but wanted to know what you were able to raise for your first feature film and if you're willing to share, what route you went to secure the...
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    Sharing on social media prior to festival run?

    Hey everyone, Have two short films that will be finished in early January and want both to play the festival circuit. Was wondering if I was allowed to post said short films on facebook and Twitter prior to submitting to and playing in festivals. Assuming it's a no go but wanted to check if...
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    Assistant Editor not responding...

    Hey everyone, First post here. I just wrapped a mid sized budget short film and gave the footage to an asst editor to transcode and sync audio for our editor. He received the footage early last week and said it would only take a few days. On Sunday I asked for an update and received no...