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  1. AlexRuger

    My most recent score is available to download for free

    (or more, if you swing that way) If you're in Los Angeles, I'm going to be performing it live to picture at ArcoVert, an independent film music festival, on December 5th. Enjoy!
  2. AlexRuger

    sound Directors: How to speak to your composers

    Hi all, First "real" post here. I'm a composer, and I have a podcast with three other guys (two of which are other composers) about filmscoring. In one particular episode, we hit upon what I think is pretty valuable information for filmmakers: first, how one might go about getting in to film...
  3. AlexRuger

    Red Five standing by

    Hey everyone! I'm a composer living in LA. This seems like a pretty great forum so I'm stoked to be here.