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  1. Connor Burke

    watch Dwell, Dig, Shake - Full Short Film

    So, my short film 'Dwell, Dig, Shake' is now on Vimeo. The whole film was shot outside of film school in my spare time between February and April of this year. I purposely set out to make something that was fun, seeking inspiration from a lot of old cult films, casting only "non-actors" and...
  2. Connor Burke

    watch Dwell, Dig, Shake - Official Trailer

    Hey guys, I've been working on this project for about four months now, I'm going to be done with it at the end of May, hoping to show it at various festivals and screenings. Here's the link to the trailer -
  3. Connor Burke

    watch Erickson the Leaf

    Let me start by saying this - I'm not an animator nor will I ever be an animator. It's just not my thing. However, I had to take an animation class last semester and this is the short (surrealistic/painfully awkward and slow) animated film that I made while there. Enjoy...
  4. Connor Burke

    Explicits in Screenplay I'm Planning on Submitting to Contests

    So, I am now one of those people who "has a script". Oh god. And I'm planning on submitting it to about 10 screenwriting contests (or so) throughout the year. My script is basically about a bunch of white immature suburban lower-middle class Americans and there are a few characters that...
  5. Connor Burke

    watch The Inside of the Outside

    I would never consider myself an experimental filmmaker by any means, but I like to dabble in it, usually for specific reasons. This short film is actually something I did for one of my film classes; I had to create a "structural" film. I normally would've preferred to write a short narrative...
  6. Connor Burke

    watch Socrates is Dead - Short Film

    So this is a short film that I made in a few weeks. I'm actually quite proud of it despite the fact that a lot of the dialogue got butchered due to my terrible improvising, haha. This short is something totally new to me, I tried to keep the camera moving almost at all times, very long cuts, a...
  7. Connor Burke

    watch Socrates is Dead - Trailer

    This is a short promotional trailer for my 25 minute short film Socrates is Dead. Basically it's about is a dark comedy about a man who has to reunite with his ex-girlfriend after their pet dog dies. I'll have the full film on vimeo in about two weeks.
  8. Connor Burke

    watch Short Super 8 Film - Pizza Slicer Dream Sequence

    So this is a short super 8 movie I made for my class. It's pretty corny, and there are a lot of errors because it isn't edited at all, so I'm just forewarning you guys. I'm basically just experimenting with the medium right now because I'm still new to it -
  9. Connor Burke

    Appropriate Narration?

    I have now been developing and planning a feature-length screenplay for a good three or four months and I have just started to write it. I have been debating over using narration for a few days now. I have read books like "The Screenwriter's Workbook" and "Story" which urge not to use narration...
  10. Connor Burke

    watch A Moment in the Life of Charlie

    So I'm currently writing/directing my own show called "A Moment in the Life of Charlie." It's a short comedy about a young businessman named Charlie who is mesmerized by the little things in life that make him feel as if he is the only normal person left on Earth. It is heavily influenced by...
  11. Connor Burke

    watch Memory Tapes - "Pink Stones"

    This is a fan-made music video I made for the song "Pink Stones" by Memory Tapes. I worked pretty hard on it, even though there are a few things I could fix. Anyways, check it out :) -