Search results

  1. B

    Cheapest cameras that are still effective for filmmaking

    I really like the look of 8 and 16mm, but the hassle involved in developing and transferring is not for me. What formats could you guys recommend that still have that warm, grainy feel, but look professional? And most of all, are dirt cheap? Are there any professional quality Hi8 cameras out there?
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    FS: Canon Autozoom 814 - AS-IS

    I have this Super 8 that I bought a while ago, but it's just been laying around. It doesn't power on or make any type of sound, so I'm selling it as-is. I don't know much when it comes to these, I bought the camera out of impulse and sort of tried to fix it but never with any luck. The only...
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    Non-functioning Canon 814 Auto Zoom Super 8 for sale

    Almost flawless physical condition, just doesn't power up. $125 shipped. PM for more info.
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    Possible problems with my 814

    I got my Canon 814 today, and it may not work. I just need to know if I'm doing something wrong. The thing is in great physical condition. I put brand new batteries in, but when I pull the trigger, nothing happens. Same with the zoom buttons. I can't hear any motors running. This is my first...
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    Looking for Kodak M22 footage

    Just want a sample of this camera. Anyone?
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    Got my first Super 8, need some help!

    I finally ordered my first Super 8 camera the other day, an Eumig Sound 30XL, not sure if that one is very good, I mistakenly just bought it on impulse, nothing I can do about it now. May sell it and get a Canon 518 SV, is that a good idea? Also, I realized that the film needs to be developed...