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  1. L

    Base on a true story - when can I use

    So I am filming a movie, the script is completely made up, events that happen in the script are made up. But the story is something I have heard about to happen in real life. So is there any legal issue I might encounter if in the promotional materials I will write " based on a true story "...
  2. L

    Union vs Nonunion casting

    what exactly should I expect, while casting for union vs nonunion I mean there are several issues I am interested in: 1) What are the differences in costs? 2) Should I expect union actors to be more professional, I don't say more experienced Since I am not from US, I have never delt with...
  3. L


    I ready many topics here, and found none discussing an opportunity to sell movies on filmmarkets, for flat fees to different regions. Anyone has an experience on it? how does it work? do you need a selling company, or you can do it yourself. What are the things to consider, possible mistakes?!
  4. L

    sales agent vs distributor

    how is it classified exactly, what is the difference between sales agency and distribution company, also what other forms are out there of businesses that help you sell your movie?
  5. L

    best literature

    what would you suggest to read on directing. more practical books, DVDs. anything that you believe has helped your skills a lot.