Search results

  1. geckopelli

    character OFF SCREEN and CON'T on same CHARACTER Line

    it's simple. It's about money. What's the demographic? If you're 22 and in college and "write what you know" you're writing the same thing as every other 22 year old college student. Who wants to see that movie? And if I want to make it, why wouldn't i call the WGA and hire a writer? Of course...
  2. geckopelli

    character OFF SCREEN and CON'T on same CHARACTER Line

    I'm talking about pre-production and getting a script sold and produced, something you appear to have read a book about. And I am a "Gate Keeper" pal. I'm Director of Development. I can take your script straight to the money, IF it's up to my standard. i...
  3. geckopelli

    character OFF SCREEN and CON'T on same CHARACTER Line

    Indie guys do lots of stuff a studio systems trained writer like me wouldn't do. I'm building my company by hiring them and bringing them up to par. See post above for the definition of CONTINUOUS. It's irrelevant that the two rooms are in the same house, unless the camera follows the character...
  4. geckopelli

    character OFF SCREEN and CON'T on same CHARACTER Line

    Yes and no. It's not so much about being production ready as being producible within the desired budget range. For submissions, you don't have to write a shooting script, but you do need to realize a successful script will be read or partially read by many people, so it must be presented as...
  5. geckopelli

    character OFF SCREEN and CON'T on same CHARACTER Line

    You're excused-- and quite incorrect. I'm a Professional Fix It Writer living and working in LA for over a decade. I get paid by Producers to reformat scripts into proper shape for production. Now I'm a Producer who hires other Writers. The Industry has changed. You want to get work, learn to...
  6. geckopelli

    character OFF SCREEN and CON'T on same CHARACTER Line

    Consider that the HALLWAY and the BEDROOM may not actually be in the same building. The presented sequence is not a CONTINUOS scene. The BEDROOM and the HALLWAY are two different scenes. The "MASTER HEADING" is generally an amatuer thing-- lose it. When you're Tarantino, you can pick it up...
  7. geckopelli

    software Adobe Premier or Final Cut Pro ??

    I'm no editor, but my thinking relative to the Industry in general is that if you do the same thing everyone else does, you'll more-or-less get the same results, and that's no way to stand out. So be it software or equipment or whatever, I always search for "the road less traveled by" before I...
  8. geckopelli

    software Adobe Premier or Final Cut Pro ??

    For what it's worth, I'm looking into the latest version of Vegas Pro. In the past, Sony Vegas editing software was underrated. Years back, I had a company the put together commercials from pre-existing materials and we used Vegas 6. We had all of them, including Avid, but but my editor...
  9. geckopelli

    plot Randomized

    The character must have already had the seed of the psychopath within himself somewhere. Tell us why.
  10. geckopelli

    Screenwriter looking for insight and encouragement

    Hi Alston. Don't worry about pitching a TV series until you have a bible written. A series bible gives a potential Producer and idea where the series is going, both creatively and budget-wise. For now, best advice is to write the pilot with an emphasis on the characters, not the action. Action...
  11. geckopelli

    story Advice about pitching

    That's a synopsis, not a pitch. Assuming you're talking about a verbal pitch, ALWAYS start by telling the catcher the Why? of it. Tell her why the subject interested you enough to write a script. Why the genre? Subject? Character? For example, I'm an old man with a propensity to write strong...
  12. geckopelli

    logline Comedy pilot loglines

    "After a experimental drug gone wrong and gave him the opposite effect, a gigolo, living the good times, needs to change his life after losing his sex drive." -- Syntax is bad. I infer that you mean that the experimental drug was a sex related drug, but maybe not? Instead of Why? Who? What? try...
  13. geckopelli

    The Sequel

    Hi everybody. I used to frequent this place, but it's been a few years. Since then, although I live in North Hollywood, I've moved from Freelance Fix It Screenwriter to Director of Development and Acting COO for a new production company based in Texas, Secret Life Productions. Our first feature...
  14. geckopelli

    format Two formatting questions...

    INT. CLASSROOM - TOWN HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Is proper. INT., EXT., or INT./EXT. followed by scene location, location of location, and lastly lighting-- DAY, NIGHT, NEON LIGHT, whatever. INT- is incorrect, and not to be confused with professional Screenwriting.
  15. geckopelli

    dialogue Should you use this in dialogue lines?

    What he said. But you dun't hav' ta do 'er 'verytime. 'eh? Establish the characters pattern of speaking a little at a time, then throw in a reminder occasionally, but don't overwhelm the reader.
  16. geckopelli

    Truby or McKee?

    You've tried the rest, now go for the best-- Jarvis and Trotter. StoryCraft and The Screenwriters Bible.
  17. geckopelli

    Your screenplay is wrong. Here's why.

    I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree. "The ending is completely anti-climactic" Emotionally anti-climartic. Unsatisfying is what they mean. Explosions have nothing to do with it. "The characters are all stereotypes" Star wars characters are NOT stereotypes-- unless you're a fan of...
  18. geckopelli

    Your screenplay is wrong. Here's why.

    Yes. Your story should begin on page 1. What else could possibly be going on that matters? let me say that the stated criteria aren't that harsh. Story, story, story, story. Nevermind what you see in the theaters. for a Writer, it's all about STORY.
  19. geckopelli

    Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting

    Don't forget the Page Awards. They are accepting entries now and are the other top line screenwriting competition.
  20. geckopelli

    How To Write A Micro Budget Sci-Fi Feature Film

    Sure it's possible. I've done it. Quite well, too, if I say so myself. The entire story takes place aboard ship, no CGI, only minor F/X, no aliens, and no exterior shots of the ship. Your imagination is the only limit to the story you can tell.