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  1. WeightOnWheels

    youtube vs dailymotion Used to be tubemogul. I used it when it was totally free and it was quite useful. Now they still have a free version with different paying tiers.
  2. WeightOnWheels

    hello fellow indietalkers!

    Welcome Nina. Good luck with the web series.
  3. WeightOnWheels

    Who will be the bad guys now?

    Technology Advancement
  4. WeightOnWheels

    archived-videos NEW action feature shot for $25K - Teaser Trailer

    Looks very good man. I'd def watch. Your style reminds me a little of Tony Scott
  5. WeightOnWheels

    Trailer for my new Feature Film - Addict

    What did you feed them? I had a cast and crew of about 6 to 8 a day and spent about 200 a day just for food! BTW: The trailer is really good. I'm really interested in watching the entire feature.
  6. WeightOnWheels

    Indie Filmaker from Oakland C.A.

    We shot half of our first feature, Cornelius in Oakland. I love Oakland. Welcome CylentShadow!
  7. WeightOnWheels

    "Power Up" Official Selection Columbia Gorge International Film Festival 2012

  8. WeightOnWheels

    archived-videos Crowfunding Video

    funny stuff man. I wanna see more. I'll be donating once I get paid on Friday. Oh wait. I got bills to pay this Friday. Next Friday, definitely. Raf
  9. WeightOnWheels


    Good afternoon Indie folks! We've just released our official trailer for our upcoming feature THE LAST INTERVENTION. Please check it out if you have a chance and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you guys. And if you really like it, please like us on Facebook and/or subscribe...
  10. WeightOnWheels

    embedding videos in posts

    Thanks Josh!
  11. WeightOnWheels

    embedding videos in posts

    I'm feeling a bit light in the head. I can't figure out for the life of me how to embed you tube videos on these posts. Any input?
  12. WeightOnWheels

    Free promotion service

    Thanks again Hache for your time and passion. Update. We've just released the official trailer. You can see it here Thanks again. Email me if you need more info. Rafael Blanco
  13. WeightOnWheels

    Free promotion service

    Thanks Hache! You are providing a great service. Rafael.
  14. WeightOnWheels

    Free promotion service

    I'll let you know once the trailer is up. The trailer is due on 6/5/2012.
  15. WeightOnWheels

    Free promotion service

    That's great Hache! Here is my current feature "The Last Intervention". Let me know if you have any questions? Thanks! Rafael
  16. WeightOnWheels

    Free promotion service

    How does this exactly work?
  17. WeightOnWheels

    New Director

    What's up Brogan! Welcome.
  18. WeightOnWheels

    archived-videos 2 New videos from the Blanco Brothers

    Thanks Murdock! The first one took more time and was the one we were contracted to do. The second one we did for fun 'cause we had time and natural light. Rafael Blanco
  19. WeightOnWheels

    film-school Online Film school?

    Yes! I second that.
  20. WeightOnWheels

    Indie animator
