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    Location agreement

    Anyone have an example of a location agreement?
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    Premiere or screen your movie for $500 at the Crest Westwood

    $500????? I have a vastly better opportunity: Premiere your movie for FREE on YouTube! This is not 1990 any more. Anyone who would pay $500 to have their movie shown at a theater reminds me of these bands that pay to play at the Roxy or Whisky. Throwing away money.
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    Need help with ideas on funding

    Yeah I know a lot of people who spent their last dime or remortgaged their house to shoot a movie. LA is expensive. Indie movie LOSE money -- LOTS of money. So making decent money working on a movie is like trying to squeeze blood out of a rock. How to get funding for a movie? Find a really...
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    editing Anyone here use after effects?

    After Effects was a very easy program to learn. I just skimmed through the owner's manual. If you've already learned Final Cut Studio then AE is a breeze. After Effects is about 1/10th a difficult as learning Dreamweaver.
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    Do I Need Permission?

    A sculpture is art. I actually had to blur out a sculpture because the director failed to get clearance. A lawyer looked at it and said get it out! Maybe it's in public domain or maybe not....
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    Do I Need Permission?

    A knock off is essentially a rip off of an existing work. Yes you can get sued for that. Are you actually copying a specific painting or just drawing something that looks like it might be by this artist? I would look into whether there are public domain rights to this artist's work? How long...
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    copyright vs register

    DON'T use the writer's guild to register your work! They destroy your submission after like 5 or 6 years unless you pay AGAIN. Instead use the US Copyright Office to register your work.
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    Union vs Non-Union Actors

    Well I disagree with this filmmaker. I always thought there was plenty of good non-union talent out there. Often it's union people who work on non-union films but under the radar, sometimes using a different name. At the end of the day it all depends on your needs. Do you have roles that you...
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    Fair producer's percentage

    What does a "producer" really do? If you don't define it then he could turn into a deadbeat and use production budget to hire a line producer to do everything.
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    Got screwed by a film co. What can I do?

    Sorry to hear. In the future you need to protect yourself with a bullet proof contract, and MOST importantly get paid in installments as various stages of work are completes so that they don't pull a bait and switch on you. This goes for ANY film industry job... or just about any other type of...
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    York Entertainment

    It's funny because I had read all of the complaints about York and heard a first hand story from a small distributor who was owed 85% from York, then I ran into Tonya at AFM. I was talking to someone about my film. She overheard the conversation and said something like "Oh I'm a distributor. Let...
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    York Entertainment

    There's some quite interesting reviews about York on Ripoff Report dot com
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    How to Market?

    $4.50 sounds good. I thought maybe it was like 2 cents or something. What is the process to get a movie for sale on Vimeo? Can you sign up as an individual or do you have to go through a distributor?
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    How to Market?

    A little off topic but how much does Vimeo pay per view?
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    renting contract

    Copy the language from some other company that rents. Rental companies have their own insurance. They also require for renters to have insurance of their own.
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    Confusion about music license

    You need to license a new recording from the artist himself. Hopefully this artist has the right to do this in the first place. Did he do a non-exclusive license with this audionetwork company? And is the recording itself his own production? Yeah I hate that about royalty free music. You can...
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    Using World Cup footage from 1982 in short film

    What Olympic lawyer will ever know? Don't sweat it.
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    Police scanner sounds public domain?

    I did a little digging around online. Looks like laws vary from state to state. I can over dub some of it using paid scanner sounds from a library.
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    Can you slander a police department?

    Yeah. LAPD. Can't use it. I searched for the specific police department ("Mission Police Department") that I'm wanting to use and there's no trademark for anything. There's also more than one police department across the US...
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    Police scanner sounds public domain?

    Conversations. I don't know how anyone would ever identify benign sounds. "Hey that's my distortion sound. I'm gonna sue you." Not!