Search results

  1. Beatlesfan1225

    archived-videos Bigfoot FINALLY Caught on Film! (Comedy)

    Very good - Enjoying your life action stuff as well. What camera/mic are you using here? I think the only thing that threw me was your shirt - I don't know, for some reason, whenever I see a film with independent filmmakers wearing clothing like a graphic tee, it throws me a bit. I think in...
  2. Beatlesfan1225

    archived-videos Tales of Shells and Dust

    The main video is private - So... I'd un-private it or give us an unlisted link for it. From the trailers you posted that are public, the project is very intriguing. To be honest, the narrative by the fish comes off as cheesy to me, and I had trouble watching it seriously, or intently. With...
  3. Beatlesfan1225

    The Unofficial Song of the Day Thread

    I've been digging this guy lately, picked up tickets to see him when he comes to Denver next month...
  4. Beatlesfan1225

    cinematography Please Critique some Frame Grabs from upcoming short film

    It never was for one of my favorite films: :) Just make sure the subtitles are good. The reason Pan's Labyrinth has such enjoyable subtitles was because Del Toro transcribed them himself, taking into account all of the things that get lost in direct translation and changing them to make sense...
  5. Beatlesfan1225

    Best way to get a website for our films.

    I'd go to Wordpress, Wix, or Squarespace before this, though. The "builders" that hosts like GoDaddy and 1&1 provide are a stretch to even call... well, operational. I once had a client that forced me to design his website in GoDaddy's - I ended up making everything in Adobe and importing it in...
  6. Beatlesfan1225


    Oh the 90's.... At least it wasn't the most disappointing film that year... That's right, looking at you Phantom.
  7. Beatlesfan1225

    Sci Fi Film with Religious Allegories

    Yeah, you're right, this kind of dialogue works well with the dynamic without being overly serious.
  8. Beatlesfan1225

    Sci Fi Film with Religious Allegories

    I wouldn't necessarily say you can't mix scifi and religion. Sometimes, it's actually fun for the writer to employ both to purposefully conflict or coincide as an interesting plot device. Off the top of my head, look at Prometheus from a couple years back. Fantastic film, I thought. The film had...
  9. Beatlesfan1225

    Best way to get a website for our films.

    I'm not too sure if I'd go with Wordpress, actually. Despite it's simplicity in some areas, it's also very complicated in others, at least, if you want a more advanced website from it. I'd consider one of the strongest, paid, but inexpensive builders. In recent years, Wix and Squarespace both...
  10. Beatlesfan1225

    cinematography Please Critique some Frame Grabs from upcoming short film

    He's right - They do look stunning. But, let's see how they work as a whole - because separate entities need to be as beautiful separate as together.
  11. Beatlesfan1225

    Director, in directing yourself?

    Alright, I've experienced this, at least to the scale possible to me. I think my largest project was a web series where I played the lead role opposite of another actor, and I also directed the shows. It's difficult in some ways and easier in others. Sometimes, it's reassuring as a director...
  12. Beatlesfan1225

    Interviewees - Looking Into Or Off Camera?

    Thanks so much cheeseandachallenge! That is incredibly fascinating indeed - And seriously cool. I suppose as the article states, anyone could potentially construct one of these - and in the examples, it does seem to work quite well. I think the only practical purpose, though, would be for a...
  13. Beatlesfan1225

    Do you attend every festival?

    Mlesemann is right - There's no sense not attending if you can. However, in today's day and age, the chances that all of the festivals you are submitting to are accessible to you are quite low, unless you're trying to remain within your state or region, which, depending on where you live, may...
  14. Beatlesfan1225

    Interviewees - Looking Into Or Off Camera?

    I'd love to see what that looks like - But it feels like a huge waste of money, honestly. Cool, though.
  15. Beatlesfan1225

    Fee for indie adaptation of a book

    This ^ Make sure any deal you strike of this nature doesn't potentially have you holding the short stick - even though they will often try to coax you into agreeing to their terms. Get money up front, and continue to get it in intervals as the project goes on. So that way, you won't be screwed...
  16. Beatlesfan1225

    The First 5 Minutes of 10,000 Movies

    The navigation would have been simpler if they had united it under one channel with divided playlists. From what I can tell - the main user posted the initial video, and every video it links to is on another channel, a channel which has all of it's videos set up as unviewable, unless you're...
  17. Beatlesfan1225

    The First 5 Minutes of 10,000 Movies

    This is incredibly impressive - I'm not even entirely sure what to do with it...
  18. Beatlesfan1225

    Interviewees - Looking Into Or Off Camera?

    Well I don't think its quite as black and white as sfoster suggests - Though he's right, documentary interviews tend to be very formulaic. EDIT: I think they would look at the interviewer, actually. However, I'm a big fan of the documentary interview that shows the interviewer as well, Between...
  19. Beatlesfan1225

    archived-videos Rivers Rubins' Analog Recordings

    Hey Everyone, So, this is geared towards music/audio - but I figured I'd throw it into the experimental area - because it is very experimental. Every time I release a new episode, I'll just throw it in this same thread. So, I began a weekly series last week where I will be releasing one fully...
  20. Beatlesfan1225

    archived-videos Test the GH4 with some volleyball

    The shots seem very blurry for the majority of the shoot - I can't tell if that's an artistic thing that's intentional or not.