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  1. CamVader

    Kickstarter Scam Alert

    Gotta' love the Onion! By the way, some of us resent being in funding competition with the grandmother who was abused on the bus by middle school students. Her film is going to suck! :lol:
  2. CamVader

    What's wrong with my camera?!

    I'm not sure I understand the point of the OP either.
  3. CamVader

    Crowdfunding Update

    Nick, Ernest, thank you. :) We'll be retooling this week and my hope is to connect with people better. Our cast is pretty darn good for a production away from major markets. I believe! :cool:
  4. CamVader

    Crowdfunding Update

    It's on Ray's thread, but it's That's the original pitch and I'll be working on a new one tonight. ;)
  5. CamVader

    cinematography 1/50 shutter VS. 1/60

    Try 1/50 and split the difference. the don't call it the 180 degree shutter angle because of the temperature. ;)
  6. CamVader

    Crowdfunding Update

    Well, the first week was atrocious. Going to revamp the video, restate an updated appeal, an incorporate more advice from IT members. Hopefully, it's not too late. 3 weeks to go and I won't give up until I've tried everything. We've had some direct funding which will make it possible to make a...
  7. CamVader

    Framing a shot for 2:35:1 masking...

    It can be effective, especially in wide panoramic shots and if you buy into Stu Maschwitz's concept of taking away information in film (or video) to give the illusion of something magical. Keep in mind with the cameras that most of us use we go from 1920 X 1080 to: 1920 divided by 2.4 = 1920 X...
  8. CamVader

    editing What's your poison?

    Premiere CS5.5 Productivity bundle, but have FCP X, Motion and Compressor and use them occasionally, also. It's nice to be able to deliver in ProRes if requested. Also have been messing around with DaVinci (free), but am not seeing the light on this yet. :)
  9. CamVader

    cinematography I have a problem with shooting outdoors.

    H44, I recall you asking a similar question months ago and getting similar answers. Are you still shooting on a T2i?
  10. CamVader

    Indie Press Release - I did it anyway :)

    You see? We just needed a reason for the IT Guam meet up and now we have one. ;)
  11. CamVader

    > My Crowdfunding Experience

    My thoughts reflected. :) I'll have to see if I can change that.
  12. CamVader

    cinematography Is the Sony 77 a good camera?

    If it's a camera that inspires you to go out and get unusual, compelling shots, it's a great camera. The education is in the doing and not the purchasing. Make it your camera and it will pay you back...promise.
  13. CamVader

    Indie Press Release - I did it anyway :)

    Well, it was worth asking. One of these days we'll meet up at Guam International like we planned it that way. :lol:
  14. CamVader

    Indie Press Release - I did it anyway :)

    No, I was a news photographer (cameraman). They left the computers on sometimes. ;)
  15. CamVader

    Indie Press Release - I did it anyway :)

    I agree. My experience is in news, so that was my first impulse. The local paper has also been notified. This is the stressful part. Making the film will seem routine. :cool:
  16. CamVader

    Indie Press Release - I did it anyway :)

    Thanks, bro. You have always been there to help and it's appreciated. I figure if I can snag a local or specialized interview, all the better for the project. Planning on being anywhere around Florida in August and early September? :no::yes:
  17. CamVader

    Indie Press Release - I did it anyway :)

    With funding not exactly secured yet, I sent out a press release saying that the film is being made. It will be, to some degree and that considering companies provide press releases only to go belly up a short time later. We will actually follow through with a diminished plan if necessary...
  18. CamVader

    > My Crowdfunding Experience

    Well, we went live early this morning and haven't had much of a response yet. We'll see. Trying to get creative, I dusted off my old news photographer bag of tricks and came up with this...
  19. CamVader

    cinematography Cinematography Books

    Cinematography: Theory and Practice. Blain Rrown. Focal Press
  20. CamVader

    sound Music Requirements

    What an excellent thread! Thank you audio gentlemen!