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    call-for-entries Call for entries, only $5.00 entry fee

    The 15 MINUTES OF FAME indie film festival is now accepting entries for films that are 30 minutes or less in length. The early deadline fee is only $5.00 For details, please see
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    archived-videos Rate my new movie, Kidnapper

    Rather than fixing all of the mistakes, you should learn from them and move on to making another film. Each film will have less and less mistakes.
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    archived-videos Rate my new movie, Kidnapper

    As a director, you have a solid (and imaginative) concept of which shots are needed, and where to place the camera. You have a script and have been able to tell the story that you want to tell. But this is obviously your first film, and (because you asked), you still have a lot to learn. Over...
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    marketing Feedback of short trailer and distribution advises

    With PBS you are not pitching it to the "network", you are pitching it to national sponsors.(just like the early days of TV). We used to produce "NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT" in Miami, but it was syndicated to every PBS station in the U.S. with national sponsors. We also did a national segment...
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    marketing Feedback of short trailer and distribution advises

    I was a cameraman on a pilot for a national cooking show on PBS...never sold.
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    So far 131 people have sampled our online film festival (due to covid). Take a look...

    So far 131 people have sampled our online film festival (due to covid). Take a look
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    marketing Feedback of short trailer and distribution advises

    My first thought is that there are hundreds if not thousands of "cooking segments" in TV shows worldwide, with every gimmick and angle that you can think of. Most are high budget. Many have celebrities. Some are shot in foreign exotic locations. Others are contests with huge prizes. A few...
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    press-release Watch our indie film festival FREE online

    The 15 MINUTES OF FAME Indie Film Festival can be seen online FREE from now through Jan 2, 2021. If you don't have the time to watch right away, please bookmark the website now so that you can watch later. There are 32 short films, (under 15 minutes in length)...
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    FilmFreeway and Vimeo: who's watching your film?

    A programmer can see within a few minutes if a film has excessive swearing, sexual content, violence, gore, or anything else that would be offensive to a "general audience". (A "bad fit" for the festival) This doesn't even take into consideration amateur acting, bad audio, bad camera work...
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    FilmFreeway and Vimeo: who's watching your film?

    A festival programmer will often watch only 10 or 20 minutes of a feature film and decide to (A) Pass on the film, or (B) Pass it along to a selection committee to watch at a later date. You won't know whether or not they like it until the notification date. Don't expect to get a refund just...
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    Practice makes Perfect???

    Operating a camera is like either love doing it or you hate it. My biggest weakness is coming up with ideas for a script.
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    Practice makes Perfect???

    Are you talking about operating your own camera? (Let's forget lighting for the moment) Operating a camera is all about following the action and keeping everything in focus while doing it. If you want to practice following action while keeping everything in focus, set up your tripod on a street...
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    lighting possible to get a dark background with diffuse light?

    Tips: Hang the lights as close to the ceiling as possible. The cardboard can hang from string. Your cardboard "flags" are used to cast a shadow on the back wall, so you will have to move the cardboard up, down, and sideways to get the shadow where you want it. You will probably need to have...
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    directing Film Festivals Need More Diversity Categories - yes or no?

    There are many film festivals that specialize in all of the categories listed above...
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    lighting possible to get a dark background with diffuse light?

    Yes, you can keep light off the back wall by using "flags", which in your case can be pieces of cardboard hung from the ceiling about two feet in front of your lights. Move the cardboard higher or lower to block the light from hitting the back wall, yet still lighting the people.
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    marketing Dear All! Could you please advise me any source for information about film marketing and advertisement? ( For USA market) Thanks!

    But with filmspecific you have to pay to get the information, and you still have not marketed your film, so you are back where you started. As mentioned before on this forum, try or Amazon Prime. Both are free.
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    cast Finding Child Actor

    P.S. - My wife and I have produced over 50 films, and I wrote most of them. We purposely DO NOT write or cast children in our films due to all of the potential obstacles and problems. The film making process is hard enough using adult actors. With every child that you need for a role, that...
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    directing Handling Nudity

    Just give serious thought to where you're going to go with the finished film. Many film festivals will only show films that are family friendly.
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    shooting-film Any film shooters here?

    Your choice of film stock depends largely on what you are likely to film. Outdoor film can only be used outdoors, and indoor (tungston) film can only be used indoors. (unless you use a filter). Each film stock has an ASA rating or T rating which indicates its sensitivity to light. The higher...
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    shooting-film Any film shooters here?

    I used to shoot film every day as a 16mm news cameraman and LOVED IT. There was real skill in choosing which film stock was best to use, selecting filters to correct the lighting, and using a light meter to set the F-stop...not to mention setting up the lights and taking care of the sound. We...