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    Help choose or come up with a perfect title

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    withoutabox is gone

    We host two film festivals, and enter our own films into festivals as well. We just got this email from withoutabox: Important: Withoutabox Update for 2019 After more than 10 years operating the Withoutabox film festival submission service, we have decided to phase out the service over the...
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    story Roadblock in my Story.

    She is innocent...the doctor killed her husband, but she doesn't know that. He needs to prove her innocent, but hide his guilt as well. The doctor is also the father of her child. She had an affair with the doctor. In the end, DNA results reveal many secrets.
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    How much light do I need ?

    A different approach...cut down the amount of light coming through the window by stretching window screen fabric over the outside of the window. It will cut down the amount of light coming through the window significantly, so that you need less light inside your room. If needed, you can put...
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    57th Ann Arbor Film Festival

    They're accepting 16mm?....("smile")
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    sound Music licensing question

    YouTube's automatic system will immediately detect your music and will flag it for copyright infringement. I continually have this happen for production music that I have legally licensed/purchased to use in my films. Even though I have "licensed" the music to use it, the composer still owns...
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    sound Function of song in non-musical films

    I'm reminded of the television shows that started with songs to fill us in on the back story, such as the "Gilligan's Island" theme. My wife has always written a song for each of our films, to be used over the opening credits or the end credits. An example would be our latest film, "CAUSE OF...
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    sound Whats is your best place to go when choosing free music for your projects?

    We use Kevin MacLeod's music service. Everything is absolutely in you pay zero for the music...all that you have to do is give him screen credit (and make a donation if you wish). His website is incompetech
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    a question about color

    You will get reflections off of any "gloss" paint. It will reflect other colors as well as lights. For that reason, "flat" (non shiny) paint is often used.
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    a question about color

    If you are going to use any green screen, don't make the buttons or anything else green.
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    Which earns more money for you, Amazon or Vimeo?

    We already have several films on Amazon VOD, but we were wondering about potential revenue from Vimeo VOD. Vimeo, of course would charge us a monthly fee for hosting our films whereas Amazon lists them for free. Does anyone actually make a monthly "profit" from Vimeo, or would we be wasting...
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    I just discovered that FILMHUB changed their name. They used to be called "Kinonation", which had some pretty bad reviews...guess that's why they changed their name.
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    Has anybody distributed their film through Filmhub? Good, bad, or ugly?
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    Seeking Distribution Producer Mentor!!!!

    You might consider entering your film in a few film festivals to see if there is any interest in it. Many distribution deals are the result of a film being shown in a major film festival...Toronto for example. Most of the films picked up by Fox Classics are picked up at film festivals. You...
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    Seeking Distribution Producer Mentor!!!!

    Release it yourself on Amazon Prime. All you need is closed captioning and you're good to go.
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    Lead Actress Quit - Need Legal Advice, Please Help

    In the original post he said that "it doesn't really matter because the film was going nowhere anyway"... If a person can afford to spend $500 for "peace of mind", go for it. The footage is still worth zero.
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    Lead Actress Quit - Need Legal Advice, Please Help

    Professional insurance?.....There's another expense on top of the $300 lawyer. How many no budget indie filmmakers have insurance, permits, and lawyers? Not many. Common sense and budget prevails. If the raw footage has no value in a finished project, why spend a nickle to own it?
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    Lead Actress Quit - Need Legal Advice, Please Help

    If the film is for "news/documentary" purposes, it can be used in certain limited cases. But for "entertainment" product she can sue if there is no signed release. In the U.S., programs such as "Dateline", "48 Hours", and "60 Minutes" look like documentaries, but they are still "entertainment"...
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    Lead Actress Quit - Need Legal Advice, Please Help

    Do you need to pull the footage offline...yes. Without a signed release you can't do anything with the footage. It's dead. BUT. She doesn't own the footage either, and you are under no obligation whatsoever to give it to her. You might consider selling it to her, since the footage now has...
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    Help with Mansfiled 950 Editor/splicer

    Another solution would be to simply have the film transferred into a digital file, and then view and edit the digital file. You wouldn't need the film viewer at all...