Search results

  1. NickClapper

    Tascam DR100mk2, Rode NTG1 and Avantone CK-1

    Not specifically, but maybe :hmm: I'm not super interested in the NTG-1 but would offer you a price on the Tascam & Avantone. But I suspect A) you've already sold them, and B) you'd command a better price selling individually.
  2. NickClapper

    Tascam DR100mk2, Rode NTG1 and Avantone CK-1

    How much are you looking for for the lot (and individually)? (Also, why are you selling?)
  3. NickClapper

    Festival recommendations from you

    I'd love to hear which festivals people like that exhibit web-series. There are a handful of 'web fests' but I was wondering whether anyone has any tips for festivals that also have a web-series (or transmedia) category?
  4. NickClapper

    archived-videos The Magic Circle

    To be honest, from my end it's never been an unreasonable about of work – I enjoy writing the episodes and have never found them too hard to write (though that's not necessarily a good thing!), and the actual production time over 6 episodes was 2 shoot days. But, ultimately, I don't have the...
  5. NickClapper

    archived-videos The Magic Circle

    Really appreciate your subscription although, sadly, it is *highly unlikely* that there will be any more episodes :( But I hope you enjoy the ones there are!
  6. NickClapper

    archived-videos The Magic Circle

    As has been evidenced by the decreasing number of YouTube views, the novelty of my web-series, The Magic Circle, has worn off somewhat! All the same, it's been great fun to do and I've worked with a lot of cool, talented people. So here, in all it's glory, is the final episode...
  7. NickClapper

    archived-videos Would appreciate your feedback: Rough Cut

    I think you've highlighted most of the issues in the things that you still need to finish. The colouring isn't quite consistent and the sync does quite match. I actually think the sync might not be the only problem with the static miming shots. It's very hard to sell the quite produced nature...
  8. NickClapper

    archived-videos The Magic Circle New episode (episode 5)! Just like in the previous episode where I wrote about a summer barbecue and ended up shooting it in November, this has fallen victim somewhat to my scheduling. I wrote this episode back in July on what was by far the hottest...
  9. NickClapper

    archived-videos Is this a good Kickstarter Campaign video?

    Ok, the video is fine. But 'fine' can be sort of damning when it comes to Kickstarter, so here are a few pointers I would give you (take them or leave them). 1) It's too po-faced. The opening segment and the voiceover is tough to engage with, because the script is taking the task very seriously...
  10. NickClapper

    archived-videos [VIDEO] I directed this "no budget" music video about a month ago.

    Looks good - very simple but the edit is good and keeps things moving along. This is good evidence for my theory that, on a budget, it's much better to avoid complicating the shoot on music videos. The song is pretty good too, which helps, and you've encapsulated their hipster vibe pretty neatly.
  11. NickClapper

    How many features have you made in year?

    I think the most confusing thing about the post is that you mention writing the scripts and then shooting them, which means that people have logically filled that gap with the pre-production process. As a DoP it would be fine, expected even, to shoot a couple of feature films in a year...
  12. NickClapper

    archived-videos The Magic Circle

    I know a guy... Glad it worked for you. I think we were definitely helped, in these episodes, by having done the previous episodes, and knowing, essentially, how I wanted to work in order to shoot quickly. The biggest change to the cinematography was moving to a wide/individual CU based cut...
  13. NickClapper

    archived-videos The Magic Circle

    The Magic Circle is back! Not that anyone was asking... We've shot a bunch of new episodes and the first of the new set is online now. There were a couple of enforced changes to the cast (not anyone's fault, just the way these things work out), a slightly different episode structure, but...
  14. NickClapper

    editing Why is the sound so bad?

    Huh? Title sequences are an art in themselves. You're right, they'll never compensate for a shitty film, but that doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't recognise them in their own right. The sound is a problem – though the problem is more than they had £50k and pissed it away (if they'd had £1k I...
  15. NickClapper

    editing Why is the sound so bad?

    The title sequence is lovely, in my opinion. I think APE has covered all the problems with the audio. I assume they just allocated their resources poorly and over-relied on ADR. Presumably they'll learn from these mistakes. Hiring an Alexa for a web-series hosted on YouTube, does, however...
  16. NickClapper

    Made Feature at 17 and now available for rent/purchase

    Connor: I had a quick scan through your 146 posts on this site and they're almost all in your own threads, or, those that aren't, are about yourself. Ultimately, Indietalk is a community, and if you don't engage with the community then you're simply here as a salesman. I think that people have...
  17. NickClapper

    Trailer for "Detours" feature

    Looking great guys! I've enjoyed seeing this progress and seeing CF get onboard with the BTS. This could do with verification from APE or Alcove, but to me the sound mix on this trailer isn't quite right. Struggled to hear some of the dialogue with the music level, and there were also moments...
  18. NickClapper

    Youtube Monetisation

    Side question: What's the minimum amount of revenue that is worth it for the bother of carrying ads? I took ads off my videos when I realised that I was struggling to make $5. They make the videos look cluttered and contribute to people clicking off. So how much makes it worth it?
  19. NickClapper

    Community Project

    Hi guys! Bumping for anyone who still has stuff to deliver. Cracker Funk: Are we any closer to a new edit? I know you've been hella busy lately, would you be interested in having a co-editor? And, if so, does anyone fancy having a rejig of the edit pieces?
  20. NickClapper

    editing Podcast audio help

    Sorry, I didn't realise egg crate referred to a specific thing (I just assumed it was to do with the bumpy patterns). My egg crates are always made of cardboard... What I was talking about is acoustic foam but even a cursory Google search tells me that proper studio quality stuff is way too...