Recent content by WalterWhite

  1. W

    Canon XH A1

    I use one with a 35mm adapter a lot. I LOVE the look of it. In fact, I like the look more than the HVX with the 35 adapter for the simple reason that the A1 shoots in 24f as opposed to 24p. It's essentially faking a film look, so IMO it looks a lot more like film than the HVX, especially with...
  2. W

    HD using black and white for sports movie

    I shoot with an XH-A1 sometimes. Recently, I've been shooting a lot of Black and White, and in my opinion, it looks fantastic. Even in 60i, with just a tiny bit of color correction, you can get the image to look very close to film. I've had a lot of people mistake the footage I've shot in B&W...
  3. W

    Why get prosumer?

    Isn't the HV30 the consumer cams they used to shoot a lot of Crank 2 on? They used them and mixed the footage with their main cams, a couple of XH-A1's, and the footage mixed perfectly. It all looked like it was shot on the same camera. Of course, they did a lot of post color correction, but...
  4. W

    Erasing Film

    Thanks man, appreciate the quick reply. Now I can stop wondering.
  5. W

    advice for filming webseries

    I've been shooting and uploading HD footage to Vimeo and Youtube for a while now as well as some SD. In terms of compressing and uploading the footage, both are fairly easy to do. Of course, HD can be compressed to a smaller size file that is still technically HD and be put onto the sites...
  6. W

    Erasing Film

    HI, I'm new to the forum and new to film, so forgive me if this is a silly question. Since my preferred format has always been HD I know little to nothing about film beyond how to load it. Anyway, I was curious if there is a way to erase film and reuse it. Is this possible? Is there some sort...