Recent content by Wallaceja

  1. W

    watch My 1st Short Film - AL

    Yeah time was one of my main troubles with the film - I just didn't know which parts of the film to shave off. Any suggestions to specific places where things could have been tighter? Thanks
  2. W

    watch My 1st Short Film - AL

    Thankyou :) I've always been a fan of the artist Mogwai so i basically went through and listened to all his songs - I wrote the story from scratch by listening to 'I Know Who You Are But What Am I' on repeat. I also had to slow it down in editing because I felt it was a bit too fast paced.
  3. W

    watch My 1st Short Film - AL

    Hi guys please check out my first student film if you have the chance, any tips/pointers for my next project would be great! Took me about half a school term to make. Cheers