Recent content by tombah

  1. tombah

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    Tiny Furniture - 8/10 Black Swan - 9/10 Enter the Void - 5/10
  2. tombah

    best movie soundtracks.

    Jurassic Park Inception Sunshine The Dark Knight Dazed and Confused Reservoir Dogs Tron: Legacy (I'm a sucker for Daft Punk)
  3. tombah


    :grumpy: I WISH I HAD ONE Hahaha, but wow, it looks amazing and I'll take your word on how it works. I can't wait to play around with one soon. I hear nothing but great things.
  4. tombah

    Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Like "Avatar"?

    James Cameron- "Yo man... I had a dream last night after you left. It was about a soldier who goes to a far away exotic planet with his army. He becomes one with the princess of the tribe that pretty much runs everything and falls in love to become one of them. Sounds sick right?" His friend-...
  5. tombah

    The Room - a must see terrible film.

  6. tombah

    Scariest Movies of All Time

    The Exorcist 3 was far more scary than Paranormal Activity
  7. tombah

    Looking to put a crew together to take Sundance.

    I wish I lived in Illinois. :(
  8. tombah

    The Big Move to Los Angeles

    This mainly depends on what you want to do in the film industry. Also, Ramen noodles<3
  9. tombah

    Shoulder mounts and steadicams

    I must say, the STEAD-DSLR covers it for the indie filmmaker. If you use it right, it's perfect.
  10. tombah

    Shoulder mounts and steadicams

    Well the main difference is shaking. With the shoulder mount you get just enough shake to have a pretty cool effect, but nothing that is too bad. But you can't really sprint or anything like that. Steadicams provide more of a... gliding look.
  11. tombah

    Post your loglines here!

    I'm 100% sure they had an episode of American Dad like that. But Jesus teams up with the father to save his wife (who's actually with Jesus) in the hell-world that used to be Earth.
  12. tombah

    First RED EPIC I in the Wild

    I wish I got a present like this!
  13. tombah

    Hello everyone :)

    I've always wanted to visit London!
  14. tombah

    U$ 3000,00 Budget

    It's retro which I guess in this situation makes it hip. But yes, this is a 'bogus' thread for sure.
  15. tombah

    Should we have a micro 4/3 thread?

    I want the AG-AF100. I want it and I want it now.