Recent content by thebrut

  1. thebrut

    favorite Favorite Actors

    Saw Lincoln last night, and Daniel Day-Lewis was amazing. He is a great actor.
  2. thebrut

    Found a possible self-distro possibility...

    My last post was too broad.... and this may be too, but the position that we are taking will allow content creators to upload a video on our site, choose the pricing that you prefer, receive an embed code, and then place the film on your own site. That's the basic gist of it. We are working on...
  3. thebrut

    Hello from Austin!

    And here I thought I had the upper hand.... Like films you say? Yes for sure! Films are a part of my daily life.
  4. thebrut

    Found a possible self-distro possibility...

    Is this a type of service that people are interested in? I ask because, I am co-developing a service that relates to being able to upload video content and then be able to charge people for viewing the content. I would love to hear if this is something that people would use.
  5. thebrut

    Hello from Austin!

    Hey everyone! Been stalking the forum for sometime now and thought it would be fun to join in on the conversation.