Recent content by texaslaw1975

  1. T

    Why do they say "Start making short films"

    I'm more concerned that none of the shorts had merit and that you don't know anything about lenses. $300K a large amount of money and it can go away crazy fast. Whether you are doing shorts or playing around, don't start spending money that you don't consider play money until you know what you...
  2. T

    Is this film school course worth taking?

    32? Yikes. I kinda figured OP was 16 or so. A 16 year old can afford to pussyfoot around. At the age of 32, you kinda have to be doing something and not talking about it all the time.
  3. T

    I Can't Write a Spec Script

    The world is full of visionaries. People that have the willingness and ability to get a concrete job done in a concrete manner on time is what is in demand and short supply.
  4. T

    Is hiring a second unit director a bad idea?

    Sounds like a mess in the making. If you have the money to hire a second director, maybe just move to a city where there is the talent necessary?
  5. T

    should i use this style cinematography in my new indie film "500 MILES"?

    No. Its not even close. That is really bad. Is that on purpose?
  6. T

    Do you think that filmmakers lie about their budgets to look good sometimes?

    Did no one else notice that some guy that has people working for free is turning down a million dollars?
  7. T

    How Do I Successfully Fund a Fan Film

    Sorry Not very likely to happen.