Recent content by T.Coster

  1. T

    Need a new monitor have $250

    My understanding of this is to keep in mind most consumer LED displays are just making you image brighter which thus makes your blacks look darker because of all the beaming light around it. It by no means is a colour accurate display for colour grading and reference. LCD company's want you to...
  2. T

    Weapons and Props

    I filmed with prop guns about 3 years ago on a public pathway (in the UK), wasn't too hard just told the local police exactly where I would be, what time I was filming and they were cool with that. I suggest contacting them first and going from there. EDIT: Also they will want names and phone...
  3. T

    Format Question

    Thanks for the examples, its a tricky one but thanks for clarifying the differences. Think ill need to change it to (O.S.) or (O.C.). But its not too complicated, I think any one who reads what I have done would understand what I'm trying to achieve... which for me is the main thing. Thanks
  4. T

    Recomdations For Lighting A Greenscreen Set

    Well the best way to answer what you need to take is to test it first. To get a good key the screen will need to be lit evenly, smooth with no shadows, a light green shade not dark green. Finally light your talent separate and as far away from the screen as possible to reduse green spill...
  5. T

    Filming projections

    This is why people superimpose the desired images in post production because its hard to film screens for various reasons (refresh rate, viewing angle, exposure etc...).
  6. T

    Format Question

    Cheers thanks for fast reply!
  7. T

    Format Question

    Hey, I have recently finished a script but need to polish the way the script is formatted... I have a scene that is just audio, this audio is to go over the next scene which is visuals of two guys running away. So far I have written it as two septate scenes. I'm not sure how to get this...