Recent content by studentfilmmakerbristol

  1. S

    link Please respond to this quick questionnaire to help student filmmakers working on a university project.

    Completing this survey will help a group of students from the University of Bristol, who are currently trying to develop a product/service that will help to make it easier for amateur filmmakers to collaborate with eachother. It should take 5-10 minutes to complete...
  2. S

    link Please respond to this quick questionnaire to help student filmmakers working on a university project.

    Completing this survey will help a group of students from the University of Bristol, who are currently trying to develop a product/service that will help to make it easier for amateur filmmakers to collaborate with eachother. It should take 5-10 minutes to complete...
  3. S

    Hello, I am a student working on a project that should benefit theamateur filmmaking industry.

    Hello, I am a student at the University of Bristol, and my team and I are looking to conduct some primary research relating to amateur filmmakers experiences and issues when attempting to collaborate with others.