Recent content by Stephen1459

  1. Stephen1459

    Public Enemies was horrible ?

    You dinosaurs better get use to the digital age, Its cheaper and faster to produce. Its not going away and may very well be the standard.
  2. Stephen1459

    Public Enemies was horrible ?

    Calm down, It came out before the digital to film transference had been perfected. Although visual quality may have been lacking, Some of the shots were really good. So much so I even recreate them in my projects. Will not even get into how well a lot of the actors portrayed their characters.
  3. Stephen1459

    watch In Vermilion [2012 short]

    Cinematography and score are wonderful. But I was lost until I read the description on what it was about. I dont think it was clear enough in the story. Just something to think about.
  4. Stephen1459

    What Films Have Changed the World?

    Stand Corrected, Highest grossing found footage film. Which paved the way for your paranormal activities, cloverfields, ect ect And technically "Wonder years" precedes "Malcolm in the Middle" but my critique on the subject was based on success.
  5. Stephen1459

    What Films Have Changed the World?

    Blair Witch Project - First ever "Found footage" Film, A Low budget movie, changed Hollywood forever. Malcom in the middle - First single cam sitcom ever. Which today makes comedies funny or not seem like they have better quality than multicam. Bound, Jackie Brown, Reservoir Dogs (for Me...
  6. Stephen1459

    favorite What's your favorite movie?

    Forrest Gump - The greatest Love story ever told. Jackie Brown - To cool for words. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World - Nothing even close to being like this film. Clockwork Orange - Even time I see it, I always change my mind if Alex was cured or not. Stanley K.
  7. Stephen1459

    Looking to network with filmmakers that need music

    I really could use "Essence" give me your e-mail.
  8. Stephen1459

    Looking to network with filmmakers that need music

    I really could use "Essence" give me your e-mail.