Recent content by sonnyboo

  1. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    George Caleodis, a Second City actor - yes. I still see and work with George. Great guy.
  2. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    It was truly amazing to get to screen in a real theater in New York for my first feature film. I don't think I appreciated it at the time like I do now. It was an honor and it was a rare thing that I should have been more grateful.
  3. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    Nice guy, see him around a bit, but no we never worked together again.
  4. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    I remember! That was one awesome show. It was great to put a face to the name. I really appreciate all you do for filmmakers and how much this site helped me learn and grow over the past two decades+
  5. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    I agree with you on this. Accidental Art in 2009 was my first step into a more professional level of filmmaking. It is a marked difference between what I did before (including HORRORS OF WAR, the world war II Nazi Zombie Werewolf film) and what I made after.
  6. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    Thanks and thanks! The nightmare is quite over, but getting there. I have court for a defamation lawsuit I filed coming up and that should end that story for good (I hope). I just want to focus on more positive things, like CINESTUDY and doing more projects that help people. Thanks for...
  7. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    This isn't a job offer. As described, it's free footage from a short film for people to learn editing.
  8. sonnyboo

    EDIT THIS - Accidental Art, a dark comedy

    I'm back to working on Cinestudy for a bit. Just put out an all new interactive editing project The way this works, I have everybody the screenplay and raw, unedited footage for an entire short film - then people...
  9. sonnyboo

    fighting procrastination as a filmmaker

    If it makes you feel better, I procrastinated on making a video on procrastination for over 2 months....
  10. sonnyboo

    fighting procrastination as a filmmaker

  11. sonnyboo

    Social Media Monster, a documentary (started here on Indietalk 12 years ago)

    Teaching film at Ohio State University and making documentaries of his own.
  12. sonnyboo

    Social Media Monster, a documentary (started here on Indietalk 12 years ago)

    A mini-documentary on how our PBS show on filmmaking got canceled due to an Internet Troll
  13. sonnyboo

    Star Trek II director talks about his favorite shot in Wrath of Khan

    I got to interview Star Trek II's writer/director and we discussed Nicholas Meyer's favorite shot from WRATH OF KHAN
  14. sonnyboo

    A Life Across the Street - Super 8 Documentary Film

    I miss Kodachrome 40 and Plus-X 50....