Recent content by Solopop

  1. S

    'Mockumentaries' - examples?

    The Office The Thick of It Best in Show Borat Parks & Recreation Lake Mungo
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    What I love about James Cameron

    Titanic is hands down one of my favorite film. I'm like one of the few people who finds the Jack/Rose relationship really endearing and beautiful, like their subtle interactions and the way both want to escape from their own worlds and meet each other in the middle. And then there's the entire...
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    Films about relationships

    Bernie Not like a typical relationship but really good on possession of a person in a film.
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    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    Elena 9/10 A really beautiful film which really makes you understand the class difference in Russia and how a mother can really love her family. Though at times you wished the painfully longs shots would end, and like the only scene in the film that was violent was tough to sit through. Also...